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Relaxation@UCD ‌‌‌

Life can get so busy and stressful at times, whether there are lots of assignments due in, exams coming up or a work deadline you need to meet. It’s so important in those moments and beyond to take care of ourselves and look after our health. Some of the ways to do this are by eating a healthy balanced diet, getting adequate physical activity and movement and developing relaxation techniques.

There is lots happening in UCD around relaxation whether its tai chi, mindfulness or meditation. Take a look below and see what suits you.  

Tai Chi is an internal Chinese martial art that aims to connect both mind and body. It can be a great way to de-stress after a busy day and practice mindfulness techniques also. 

Please check back in a few weeks for details of Tai Chi classes in UCD in Autumn 2022

Check back in a few weeks for details of Mindfulness activities in UCD in Autumn 2022

There are no meditation classes taking place on campus in UCD at present.

Healthy UCD

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
E: healthyucd@ucd.ie |