The Irish-Chinese Cultural Society






Our Programme is now on SECOND WEDNESDAYS



All evening events will start at 8 pm on the SECOND WEDNESDAY of each month,
and will be held in the

Institute of Engineers
22 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge
Dublin 4

We hope that this change will prove convenient for members.

Wednesday January 9th

Botanic Exploration of China

A talk by Seamus O'Brien.

Seamus O'Brien, Botanic explorer from the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, will have just returned from his third expedition to China (Yunan and Hubei), Tibet and Nepal. When not abroad, he is hard at work with the gardening team designing and planting the new "Chinese Slope" at the Botanic Gardens.

Wednesday February 13th

Along the Silk Road

A talk by Yanyi and Tony Blake

Having had a look at the western end of the Silk Road (Turkey), Yanyi and Tony did an unguided tour of the Chinese Silk Road. Do join them this Wednesday to hear their insights on this most famous of routes.

Wednesday March 13th

Advanced Feng Shui

A talk by Paula Whelan

Paula Whelan, who gave an excellent talk on basic Feng Shui last year, will again give us the benefit of her vast knowledge on the subject She hopes to advance our understanding with a more in-depth delve into this most fascinating subject.

Wednesday April 10th

Student Life In Ireland

A talk by Luning Quyan

Luning Quyan, a Chinese student from Dalian studying Principles of Education at UCD, will share some of her thoughts and those of her colleagues on the student life for Chinese in Ireland, and the educational differences between Ireland and China.

Wednesday May 8th


This AGM, the 27th of the ICCS, gives the membership a say in the running of our Society, and an opportunity to become involved in the Committee of the Society through nomination and election. All members are urged to attend.

May Outing

The Committee are busy on your behalf in organizing an outing for the month of May. Further particulars will be circulated when all details are finalized.


Note:  non-members attending the evening events are asked to pay a charge of Euro 3.50 to help defray expenses.
