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Top security tips

 Password Security

Secure your Devices and Information

  • Apply the latest operating system and application security updates when they are available. 
  • Use Sophos anti-virus software to protect all computers and devices. Sophos Intercept X for Windows and Mac computers is available for free. Staff can request Intercept X by going to the IT Support Hub and clicking on "Request Something", followed by "Computers and Software". Sophos also provides a free version for Android and Apple phones on their website
  • Encrypt your devicefiles and always send confidential information securely.  
  • Protect your device using a strong password or pin. Set your device to auto lock when inactive.  
  • Only download and install software or "Apps" from reputable sources that you trust. 
  • Use a trusted Wi-Fi such as UCD Eduroam or UCD's staff VPN (Staff Only) when working remotely.
  • Backup your files frequently to help protect information against accidental loss or(opens in a new window) ransomware.
  • Avoid saving confidential University information to a device including removable storage devices, such as USB keys. 

 (opens in a new window)Email Security

How to report an incident

UCD IT Services

Computer Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Contact us via the UCD IT Support Hub: www.ucd.ie/ithelp