NovaUCD Newsletter - April 2010

Welcome to the first issue of the NovaUCD Newsletter for 2010 in which we review key activities and events which took place during the first quarter of 2010.


Click here to download the complete newsletter.

Responding to the publication of the Irish Government’s Innovation Taskforce Report both UCD and TCD have warmly welcomed the Taskforce’s acknowledgement of the TCD/UCD Innovation Alliance and its endorsement as a model which should be rolled out nationally.

NovaUCD has announced its results for 2009, including 85 invention disclosures and 7 new spin-out companies, demonstrating that the growth in public investment in R&D at UCD is yielding a significant return to the Irish economy and society.

Congratulations are due to two NovaUCD-client companies who have recently won major awards. BiancaMed, the medical technology company, scooped an inaugural Irish Times All-island Innovation Award in association with InterTradeIreland for its wireless sensor technology by winning the Product/Service Innovation Award Category. RendezVu, the e-learning venture, won the David Manley 2009 Emerging Entrepreneur Award.

DMAwards 2009
Garrett Hussey and Paul Groarke, co-founders, RendezVu

Professor Peter Russo, European Business School, Germany, delivered the InterTradeIreland 2010 Innovation Lecture at UCD, entitled, Corporate Entrepreneurship – The Key to Making Innovation Happen. While at UCD Professor Russo also facilitated three dedicated master classes for academic researchers, students and the promoters of SMEs respectively.

Professor Peter Russo, European Business School

The 14th NovaUCD ‘Entrepreneurs Live!’ seminar series, supported by the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Enterprise Board has now been completed. A special seminar was delivered by serial internet entrepreneur, Ray Nolan, as part of NovaUCD’s Open Morning which took place during the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown 2010 Enterprise Week.

Ray Nolan at NovaUCD
Ray Nolan, centre, with UCD Students Rhona Togher and Sarah Kenny

We also report on other recent developments for BiancaMed, Enzolve Technologies, Equinome, Evolution and Restored Hearing along with reporting on the launch of WirelessLAB, the first all-island innovation network for Ireland’s wireless technology community.

Joe Moore, Chairman, WirelessLAB and Dr David Cleevely, Chairman, Cambridge Wireless

Click here to download the complete newsletter.


19 April 2010 

For further information contact Micéal Whelan on t: 01-716 3712 or e: