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Dublin Workshops on Financialization

Dublin Workshops on Financialization

24-25 May 2012

Workshop 1: Politics of Financialization - May 24, 2012

The recent economic crisis and the ensuing global recession highlighted the salience of financialization in the world economy. This workshop aims to bring together economic sociologists and political economists to build an interdisciplinary and comprehensive perspective on financialization as an economic, political and social process.

We invite empirical papers that examine the nature, causes and implications of financialization: What are the theoretical tools with which we can address financialization? Why has the relationship between state, society and finance shifted over the past few decades in advanced nations? How does the degree and nature of financialization vary across advanced nations, and why? What role has the state played in shaping the degree and nature of financialization? What are the implications of financialization for the state-economy-society relationship?


Workshop 2: Credit, Consumption and Social Welfare: Emerging Perspectives - May 25, 2012

Over the last few decades access to credit has become an important part of modern market economies from household budgeting to overall demand management. It has allowed middle and lower income households to keep up their consumption and “material” welfare despite their decreasing returns from the labor market. Scholars have recently framed these trends as a form of “privatized Keynesianism”, or as the “financialization of welfare”. Yet to date, we know very little about how these trends have varied, what effects they have had, and whether and how the recent crisis has overturned them.

This workshop aims to bring together scholars from various disciplines to build a comparative understanding of the links between credit use, consumption and the social welfare politics.

How and why do nations vary in their regulation of credit lending/borrowing? How have different nations protected the consumers of credit? What is the relationship between credit and social welfare? How can we integrate credit and consumption into our political economic theories? What are the implications of the recent crisis for credit, consumption and social welfare? What kinds of policy/regulatory learning processes are taking place in these realms?

The programmes for the workshops are available here 



please note attendance at the workshops is by invitation only

Attendance of the workshop is free. We will arrange for and cover the costs of your stay at a hotel in central Dublin or at the university’s on-campus apartments. We are also hoping to provide partial or full reimbursement for participants’ travel costs. Therefore, it is important that we are informed of your intention to attend on a timely basis. If you are able to cover the cost of your travel with your own funds, please let us know at the time of your submission.

Submission Information

Deadline to submit abstracts: January 5th, 2012

Authors of selected abstract will be informed before February 1st, 2012

Deadline to submit full papers: May 1st, 2012

Abstracts and papers are to be submitted electronically (in word or PDF format) to the following address: dublinworkshops2012@gmail.com

We will be in conversation with several journal editors about the publication of a special volume containing the papers presented at this workshop. Therefore, it is important that authors be able to submit complete papers by the deadline specified below. Papers accepted for presentation cannot be previously published or forthcoming.

Please include the following information with your submission:

- Your Name

- Your Institution

- The Workshop you are submitting your paper to:

§ Workshop 1: “Politics of Financialization”

§ Workshop 2: “Credit, Consumption, and Social Welfare”

- Will you be able to submit a full paper by May 1st, 2012?               Yes / No

- Are you able to cover the cost of your travel with your own funds?           Yes / No

* Please note that papers accepted for presentation cannot be previously published or forthcoming.

For more information, please contact Dr Basak Kus: basak.kus@ucd.ie