[Echtra Loegairi meic Crimthainn]

Author: unknown

Editor: Patricia Kelly

An electronic edition

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Responsibility for document creation and encoding:

Creation of machine-readable text by: Patricia Kelly
Proofed by: Niall Brady
Header creation and mark-up by: David Hughes & Patricia Kelly

Extent of text: 449 words [3.57 kb]


Source of the text used in this electronic edition

The Book of Lismore, fol. 167r col. a, l. 24 - 167v col. a, l. 32.

Other Manuscript sources

The Book of Leinster, fol. 275 b 22 - 276 b 24

Published editions and translations

Standish Hayes O’Grady, Silva Gadelica 1 (Dublin 1892), 256-7; 2, 290-91

T. P. Cross, ‘Laegaire mac Crimthainn’s visit to Fairyland’, Modern Philology 13 (1916), 731-39

Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson, ‘The Adventure of Laeghaire mac Crimthainn’, Speculum 17 (1942), 380-87

Other transcriptions

Eugene O’Curry, Transcription of the Book of Lismore, Royal Irish Academy Ms 23 H 5, cat. no. 477


Published by:

Thesaurus Linguae Hibernicae,
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4

Project funder: Professor Marianne McDonald (University of California, San Diego) via the Ireland Funds.

Date: Final mark-up completed, 2006-09-21

Text ID: pk.tlh.001


Available only for academic teaching and research provided that this header is included in its entirety with any copy distributed. This edition may not be reproduced or used elsewhere without the explicit permission of the TLH project. For enquiries, please contact us.


Due to current browser limitations, certain characters in printed editions may not always be similarly displayed in the electronic version. In such cases, the following representations have been chosen for display purposes:

Editorial Declaration:

The electronic text is transcribed from the facsimile of the Book of Lismore. The electronic version is a diplomatic version of the manuscript original. Punctuation, word division and capitalisation are as in the manuscript. Contractions are expanded where possible and the expansions are tagged <expan>.

Where the facsimile is not wholly legible, recourse has been had to O’Curry’s transcription of this manuscript. Readings from O’Curry’s transcription are tagged <supplied> with the “resp” attribute and the identifier “eoc”. O’Curry’s transcription indicates marking of lenition which is not readily discernible from the manuscript facsimile. In these instances the reading of the facsimile has been allowed to stand.

The text is tagged for folio, column and line breaks.

© 2006 Thesaurus Linguae Hibernicae (UCD)

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