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   Alison is presented with the
   President's Teaching Award.

Name: Alison J. Hanlon
Qualifications: B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D
Telephone: +353-1-7166249
Email: Alison. Hanlon @ ucd.ie
Position:  Lecturer


Research Scientist, MLURI, Aberdeen, Scotland: 1991-1995
Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UCD: 1995-1997
College Lecturer, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UCD: 1997-present

Current Research:

Dairy Cow Behaviour and Welfare

(i)     The effects of the design & management of out-wintering pads on the health and welfare of  dairy  cows.
(ii)     Influence of in situ utilization of winter crops on the performance and foraging behaviour of dairy cows
(iii)    Relationship between genotype and environment on the health and welfare of dairy cows.

Companion Animal Behaviour

Incidence of dog bite attacks in Ireland.

Teaching and Learning

Approaches to learning and learning styles: a comparison of undergraduates studying veterinary medicine and social sciences.

Software Development

Animal Ethics Dilemma – interactive web-based software for animal bioethics curricula. Collaboration with P. Sandoe, T. Dich, & T. Hansen (KVL, Denmark), A. Algers & L.Keeling (SLU, Sweden), & H. Loor (ImCode, Visby, Sweden).


Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers:

Bullock, D.J., Kerridge, F.J., Hanlon, A. and Arnold, R.W., 1993.  Short-term responses of deer to recreational disturbances in two deer parks. J. Zool., Lond. 230: 327-332.

Egan, J., Leonard, N., Griffin, J., Hanlon, A.J., Poole, D., 2001.  A survey of some factors relevant to animal welfare on 249 dairy farms in the Republic of Ireland.  Part 1: Data on housing, calving and calf husbandry. Irish Veterinary Journal, 54 (8), pp 388-392.

Hanlon, A.J., Rhind, S.M., Reid, H.W., Burrells, C., Lawrence, A.B., Milne, J.A., McMillen, S.R., 1994.  Relationship between immune response, live-weight, behaviour and adrenal function in red deer (Cervus elaphus) calves derived from wild & farmed stock, maintained at two stocking densities. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 41: 243 - 225.

Hanlon, A.J., Rhind, S.M., Reid, H.W., Burrells, C., Lawrence, A.B., 1995.  Effects of repeated changes in group composition on immune response, behaviour, adrenal activity & live-weight gain in farmed red deer. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 44: 57 - 64.

Hanlon, A.J., Rhind, S.M., Reid, H.W., Burrells, C., Lawrence, A.B., 1997.  Effects of isolation on the behaviour, live-weight gain, adrenal capacity & immune responses of weaned red deer hind calves. Animal Science, 64: 541 - 546.

Healy, A.M., Hanlon, A.J., Weavers, E., Collins, J.D. and Doherty, M.L. (2002).  A behavioural study of scrapie-affected sheep.  Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 79 (2): 89-102.

Hewson, C.J., Baranyiova, E.,  Broom, D.M.,  Cockram, M.S.,. Galindo, F., Hanlon, A.J., Hanninen, L., Lexer, D., Mellor, D.J., Molento, CFM.,  Odberg, F.O.,  Serpell, J.A., Sisto, A.M., Stafford, K.J., Stookey, J.M., Waldau, P. 2006. Approaches to Teaching Animal Welfare at Thirteen Veterinary Schools in Europe, North America and South Africa. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 32 (4): 422-437.

Keane C.K., Hanlon, A.J., Roche, J.R., Burton, J.L, Mee, J.F, O’Doherty, J.V., Sweeney, T.S., 2006. A potential anti-apoptotic phenotype in neutrophils of cows milked once daily in early lactation. J. Dairy Sci., 89 (2)

Leonard, N., Egan, J., Griffin, J., Hanlon, A.J., Poole, D., 2001.  A survey of some factors relevant to animal welfare on 249 dairy farms in the Republic of Ireland.  Part 2 Data on incidence of disease, culling and biosecurity measures.  Irish Veterinary Journal, 54 (9), pp 454-456.

McKillop, I.G., Ginella, S.G.V., Wilson, C.J., Hanlon, A.J., and Pugh B.D., 1993. The effects of power failure on the behaviour of European wild rabbits at electric fences. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 35: 277-290.

Book Chapters:

Hanlon, A.J., 1999. Farming red deer. In Management and Welfare of Farm Animals: The UFAW Handbook.

Hanlon, A.J., 2005. An Introduction to Problem-Based Learning and it’s applications to an animal bioethics curriculum. In Animal Bioethics: Principles and Teaching Methods (Eds. M.Marie, S. Edwards, G. Gandini, M. Reiss and E. von Borell). Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Popular Articles:

Clancy, S., Simpson, L., Tyler, M., Doherty, O., & Hanlon, A., 2005. Dominance aggression in dogs. Irish Veterinary Journal, 58 (9): 508 – 513.

Hanlon, A. J., 1994. Comparative immunity. Deer Farming, 46: 6-8.

Hanlon, A.J., 1996. Farming deer: calving. Irish Vet. J., 49 (5): 298-301.

Hanlon, A.J., 1996. Weaning farmed red deer calves. Irish Vet. J., 49 (10): 611-612.

Hanlon, A.J., 1997. Welfare of farmed deer in 1990's. Part 1. Deer Farming. 53:14-16.

Hanlon, A.J. and Rhind, S.M., 1996. Welfare costs of isolation for weaned red deer calves. Deer Farming, 51: 9-10.

Conference Papers:

Campion, D.P., Doherty M.L. & Hanlon, A. J., 2005. Using Problem-Based Learning in Teaching Animal Ethics. In A.J. Hanlon (Ed) Design & Implementation of Case Studies in Animal Ethics Teaching. Workshop Proceedings, Dublin 24-26 June 2004. Pp12-18.

French, P. O’Driscoll, K., Boyle, L and Hanlon, A. 2006. Alternative out-wintering pad systems for dairy cows.  Proceedings of the Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 15-16, March 2006.

Goddard, P.J., Rhind, S.M., Hanlon, A.J., Hamilton, W.J., 1994. ACTH stimulation tests in red deer. Proc. N.Z. Vet. Assoc., June 1994, Hamilton, N.Z.

Hanlon, A.J., 2002.  Survey of animal bioethics teaching in animal sciences and veterinary medicine in Ireland.  Teaching Animal Bioethics in agricultural and veterinary higher education in Europe.  Nancy (France), 23-24 May 2002.

Hanlon, A.J., Egan, J., Leonard, N., Griffin, J., Poole, D., 1998. Welfare of Irish dairy cows. Assoc. of Veterinary Teachers & Research Workers. Spring Meeting, Dublin.

Hanlon, A.J. and Hayden, T.J., 1991. Factors influencing fallow deer fawn mortality in Phoenix Park. Proc. Soc. Vet, Ethol., July 1991, Edinburgh.

Hanlon, A.J., Rhind, S.M., Reid, H.W., Burrells, C., Lawrence, A.B., Milne, J.A., McMillen, S.R., 1993. Effects of source and stocking density on immunocompetence of red deer calves. Proc. Int. Cong. Appl. Ethol., August 1993, Berlin.

Hanlon, A.J., Rhind, S.M., Reid, H.W., Burrells, C., Lawrence, A.B., Milne,, J.A., McMillen, S.R., 1994. Effects of repeated changes in group composition on immunity and agonistic behaviour of farmed red deer. Proc. EAAP. Sept. 1994, Edinburgh.

Hanlon, A.J., Rhind, S.M., Reid, H.W., Burrells, C., Lawrence, A.B., Milne, J.A., McMillen, S.R, 1998. Comparative immunity of weaned red deer calves from wild and farmed stock. Recent Development in Deer Biology - Proc. Int. Cong. Biology of Deer, Aug. 1994, Edinburgh pp. 308.

Hanlon, A.J., van Iersel, M., Rosa, H.D., Heath, S. & Edwards, S. 2005. Critical Success Factors. In A.J. Hanlon (Ed) Design & Implementation of Case Studies in Animal Ethics Teaching. Workshop Proceedings, Dublin 24-26 June 2004. Pp. 23 –26.

Keane, C.K., Hanlon, A.J., Roche, J.R., Burton, J.L., Mee, J.F, Sweeney, T., (2004). A potential anti-apoptotic phenotype in neutrophils of cows milked once daily in early lactation. Irish Vet. Journal, 58 (2): 111-112.

Kiernan, P., Boyle, L., Arkins, S. and Hanlon, A. (2004).  Effect of cushioned flooring in cubicle housing and out wintering on all-weather pads on behaviour and foot lesion scores of pregnant dairy heifers. Proceedings of the Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 1-2, March, p. 41.

O’Driscoll, K., L. Boyle, P. French and A. Hanlon, 2006.  The effects of design of out-wintering pads on the welfare of dairy cows. Proceedings of the Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 15-6, March 2006.

O’Driscoll, K., Boyle, L., Hanlon, A.J., 2005. Winter housing of dairy cows. Third International Workshop on Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level. Vienna, 22 –24 September 2005.

Perry, R. & Hanlon, A.J., 1997.  Evaluation of the welfare of riding horses, ponies and youngstock at markets.  Waltham Symposium: The Role of Horses in Europe, Harrogate (UK), August 1997.

Technical Reports:

Egan, J., Leonard, N, Griffin, J., Hanlon, A.J., Poole, D., 1998. A Survey of the Welfare of Dairy Cows in Ireland. Irish Veterinary Council, March 1998.

McGrane, T. and Hanlon, A.J., 1999. Report on the Welfare of Racing Greyhounds in Ireland. Commissioned by The Blue Cross, The Dogs Home, Battersea, RSPCA, SSPCA, NCDL, November 1999..

Perry, R. and Hanlon, A,J., 1997. Evaluation of the Welfare of Horses, Ponies & Youngstock at Auctions.Commissioned by  UFAW.

Shiel, R. Blau, C. Hanlon, A.J., 1998. Effects of space allowance and confinement in transit crates on the behavioural activity of greyhounds implications for animal welfare. Commisssioned by Bord Na gCon & ICAVA, February 1998.

Wolfe, A. Hanlon, A. Sheridan, P. 1999. An assessment of mixed species housing as a method of enriching the social environment of laboratory rabbits & guinea pigs. Commissioned by UFAW, October 1999.


Hanlon, A.J. 1996.  Guest Editorial: Greater involvement in animal welfare needed. Irish Vet. J., 49 (9): 508.

Hanlon, A.J. 2000.  Assessment of stress and welfare in dairy cows.  The Irish Scientist, Millennium Yearbook, 8: 207.

'Course Presenter'. EU Veterinary Training Programme.
Animal Welfare Course No. 3. Dublin, Aug - Sept 1998, Aug - Sept,  1999.

Winner of the President's Teaching Award 2000-2001

© Copyright Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, U.C.D. 2005