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Emilie Pine Award

Assoc Professor Emilie Pine wins Newcomer of the Year at Irish Book Awards

UCD Arts and Humanities had a strong presence at this year’s An Post Irish Book Awards, which was broadcast on RTÉ One Television last week. Congratulations to Associate Professor Emilie Pine from the School of English, Drama and Film who won the highly-coveted Newcomer of the Year Award, for her best-selling collection of essays Notes to Self. Notes to Self was also nominated in the Non-Fiction Book of the Year category.

You can watch the Irish Book Awards here (opens in a new window)https://www.irishbookawards.irish/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpfLJru2F3wIVWOh3Ch2HAwQ5EAAYASAAEgJqIPD_BwE
Emilie’s award is featured at 27 minutes 56 seconds and runs to 33 minutes 12 seconds.

 A photo of the front covers of The Hurlers and On the Edge

Congratulations also to Associate Professor Paul Rouse who was nominated in the Sports Book of the Year category with The Hurlers and to Professor Diarmaid Ferriter for his nomination in Non-Fiction Book of the Year category with On the Edge, both from the School of History.

College of Arts and Humanities

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
T: +353 1 716 7777