Elucidation of the survival characteristics of immature melanocytes in the depigmenting skin disorders vitiligo


Project Title: Elucidation of the survival characteristics of immature melanocytes in the depigmenting skin disorders vitiligo

Thematic Area: Inflammatory Skin Diseases

Focus of Research: Vitiligo


We aim to explore how melanocyte-maturation, including redox-reactive melanin synthesis may trigger an inflammatory response in vitiligo skin. We will model the vitiligo environment to assess how melanocyte maturation is intrinsically related to cell damage in this disease, with the intention of developing ways to stabilise these cells in vitiligo patient epidermis.

Funded by: Janssen and CDSCHC- Newman Fellowship in Dermatological Sciences

PI: Prof. Desmond Tobin

Other Group/team members: Hugo Moreiras

Project Duration: July 2020-June 2022