Academic Staff Contact details
Cosima Stubenrauch
Name: Cosima Stubenrauch
Qualifications: PhD and Habilitation in Physical Chemistry
Rm Number: 138
Phone: +353-1-716-1923
Fax: +353-1-716-1177

since 1.1.2005 Lecturer at the Department of Chemical Engineering
2004 Habilitation, University of Cologne, Germany
(group of Prof. R. Strey)
1998 – 1999 Post-doc position, Université Paris Sud, France
(group of Prof. D. Langevin)
1997 Doctoral Thesis in Physical Chemistry, Technical University of Berlin, Germany (group of Prof. G.H. Findenegg)
1994 Diploma in Chemistry, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Freiburg, Germany (group of Prof. H. Finkelmann)
1988 – 1994 Study of Chemistry in Münster and Freiburg, Germany

Teaching Responsibilities:
Chemistry (CHEN2008)

Awards and Fellowships:
2005 Carl-Duisberg-Gedächtnispreis 2005 of the GDCh
2004 Universitätspreis 2004 of the Universität zu Köln
2004 Laughlin Visiting Lecturer for Physical Chemistry
at Cornell University (Ithaca, USA)
2002 ADUC-Jahrespreis 2002 of the GDCh
2001 Lise-Meitner-Fellowship of MfWF des Landes NRW
1999 Liebig-Fellowship of the Foundation of Chemical Industry
1998 Marie Curie Research Fellowship
1997 Schering-Award 1997 of the TU Berlin
1995 NaFöG-Research Fellowship of then TU Berlin
1991 Fritz-ter-Meer-Fellowship of Bayer