International Programmes
The College of Engineering & Architecture has the most active international exchange programme in UCD

Erasmus & Non-EU Exchange Programmes
Our five Engineering Schools sit within the UCD College of Engineering & Architecture and offer incoming and out-going students a wide choice of options and destinations culminating in UCD's most active International Programme.
Its Exchange Programmes and research collaborations have produced an extensive network of partners worldwide. Its global reach and its local significance make UCD Engineering an ideal destination for international students.
Studying abroad for a portion of your degree is an invaluable experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life. For our incoming Erasmus/Non-EU Exchange students, the city of Dublin provides a fascinating setting for exposure and experience and has an extremely vibrant cultural and creative scene. UCD’s international reputation for academic excellence, unique urban location and the opportunities available for travel, socializing and personal development are just some of the reasons why international students choose Ireland’s Global University. For general information please contact UCD Global at (opens in a new window)exchanges@ucd.ie

Study Abroad Programme (incoming only)
The UCD Engineering Study Abroad Programme offers visiting undergraduate students a unique educational opportunity to participate fully in the academic and social life of Ireland’s Global University. We welcome applications for a semester and/or full-year of study to UCD Engineering. UCD Engineering is the largest Engineering School in Ireland, offering the widest range of engineering disciplines. The Engineering educational philosophy at UCD emphasizes mastery of analytical skills and the use of quantitative methods.
UCD Engineering graduates are also accredited by the Washington Accord. The Washington Accord, Est. in 1989, is an international accreditation agreement for professional engineering academic degrees. UCD Engineering collaborates with many Engineering Schools in the USA that hold the ABET accreditation. The city of Dublin provides a fascinating setting for exposure and experience and has an extremely vibrant cultural and creative scene. For general information please contact us at (opens in a new window)eastudyabroad@ucd.ie.