
Online lesson from biological data analysis modules

What will you learn?

In this lesson you will learn to:

  1. Define a distribution
  2. Explain the concept of an empirical distribution
  3. Explain the concept of a theoretical distribution

What is a distribution?

A distribution decribes a variable by communicating two important pieces of information.

  1. It specifies all the possible values that a variable may take (these can be called the possible outcomes).
  2. It quantifies the relative frequency of each possible value (this can be called the probability of an outcome).

A distribution is very good at describing uncertainty because it can describe events that have multiple possible outcomes.

Below are four examples

Rolling a Dice

Rolling a dice is a classic example of qualitative data (each face of the dice is labelled).

There are six possible outcomes from rolling a dice.

For an unbiased dice each outcome is equally likely, meaning the distribution of outcomes is:

One Two Three Four Five Six

The probability of each outcome is a sixth.

Later, we'll see that this is an example of a categorical distribution.

Counting Cats

For one week I recorded the number of times I saw my neighbours' cats in my garden and their coat colour.

Here are my data as a frequency distribution.

Black Ginger Tabby Tortoiseshell

Their are four outcomes (the coat colours). The frequency distribution gives the number of times each outcome occurred (e.g. I saw the Tabby cat eight times).

Human Heights

Human height data is quantitative continuous: Every individual has a different height.

To display this continuous distribution we divide the x-axis (height) into bins (1 cm bins are used above) and count the number of data points within each bin (called FREQUENCY on the y-axis).


Below is the distribution of mean daily temperatures for January across Ireland. The data are from 1995-2016

This temperature data is quantitative continuous.

To display the distribution a bin width of 0.5 deg C has been used.

Histogram of mean daily temperature for January in Ireland

Empirical Distribution

(Video 1 min 17 sec)

Wolf Example

Below is the empirical distribution of cortisol concentrations measured from a sample of 103 wolves

empirical distribution of cortisol concentrations

This module uses these data on cortisol concentrations measured from hair samples of wolves in Canada (described here).

Theoretical Distributions

(Video 1 min 58 sec)

Normal Distribution

The Normal distribution is a bell shaped curved that has a well defined mathematical description.

An example of the normal distribution

Above is a Normal distribution (blue curve) being used to mimic human height data (described here)

Categorical Distribution

The categorical distribution describes the probabilities of a finite number of outcomes. The mathematical description of the categorical distribution is the probabilities for each outcome.

An example of a categorical distribution for a six sided dice

Above is a catagorical distribution for the outcomes of rolling an unbiased dice. Each outcome has a probability of 1/6.

Gamma Distribution

The Gamma distribution is a skewed theoretical distribution. It has a well defined mathematical description.

An example of five gamma distributions with differing amounts of skew

Above are five Gamma distributions with differing amounts of (right) skew.

Log-normal Distribution

The log-normal distribution is another skewed theoretical distribution. It has a well defined mathematical description.

An example of a log-normal distribution

Above are four log-normal distributions with differing amounts of (right) skew.

Binomial Distribution

The binomial distribution describes the number of successes and failures from repeatedly performing a task with a constant probability of success. It has a well defined mathematical description.

An example of a binomial distribution

Above is the binomial distribution for tossing a coin 10 times. The outcomes are the number of heads (ranging from zero to ten) and the distribution gives the probability of each outcome.

Chi-squared Distribution

The Chi-squared distribution describes the distribution of outcomes from squaring values from a normal distribution and then adding them up. It has a well defined mathematical description.

An example of a chi-squared distribution

Above is the distribution of outcomes by taking three values drawn from a normal distribuiton (with mean of zero and standard deviation of one), squaring each and adding up the results. This is a Chi-squared with three degrees of freedom.

Poisson Distribution

The Poisson distribution describes a quantitative discrete variable and is related to the binomial distribution. It has a well defined mathematical description.

An example of a Poisson distribution

Above is the Poisson distribution for describing the number of times a person will be hit by lightning in their lifetime, assuming the probability that a person is struck by lightning in their lifetime is about 15,000 to one.

Wolf Example

The Gamma or log-normal distributions could both mimic the empirical distribution of the wolf cortisol data

The empirical distribution of cortisol concentration from a sample of wolves and two theoretical distributions that model these empirical data.

Above is the empirical distribution of cortisol (grey bars), a Gamma distribution (red) and a log-normal distribution (blue).

Distribution Shapes

A distribution can be broadly described by its shape.

Below are some words used to describe a distribution's shape

Some words describing the shapes of a distribution


A symmetrical distribution looks identical when it is reflected around its centre

Below is a Normal distribution with mean=12 and standard deviation=5

Example of a symmetric distribution

The Normal distribution is symmetrical about its mean

Skewed (1)

A skewed distribution is asymmetrical.

Below right is a Gamma distribution with mean=12 and standard deviation=5. The symmetrical Normal distribution is shown in grey.

An example of a left-skewed distribution An example of a right-skewed distribution

Right-skew (positive skew) has a distribution with an extended tail on the right

Left-skew (negative skew) is the opposite of right-skew

Right-skew (left-skew) commonly causes the mean to be larger (smaller) than the median, because the mean is influenced by extreme values.

Skewed (2)

(Video 1 min 9 sec)


An over-dispersed distribution has an excess of extreme values (i.e. it has fat tails).

Below left is a t-distribution distribution, shifted to have mean=12 and standard deviation=5. The equivalent Normal distribution (no over-dispersion) is shown in grey. On the right is a zoom into the tail of the distribution showing the 'fat-tail'

An example of an over-dispersed distribution A zoom of the tail from an over-dispersed distribution

Over-dispersed is also known as platykurtic (platy- means broad)


An under-dispersed distribution has a deficit of extreme values (i.e. it has thin tails).

Below is a Uniform distribution with mean=12 and standard deviation=5. The equivalent Normal distribution (no under-dispersion) is shown in grey.

An example of an under-dispersed distribution

Under-dispersed is also known as leptokurtic (lepto- means slender)

Have a go ...

The section at the start called 'What is a distribution?' gives four examples of distributions (dice, cats, heights and temperatures).

For each of these four examples:

  1. Specify whether the example is of an empirical or a theoretical distribution
  2. Describe the shape of the distribution using the terms discussed in this lesson (symmetric, right-skewed, ...)

Key Points

  • The distribution of a variable describes the relative frequency of outcomes
  • Data in a sample has an empirical distribution
  • No two samples have the same empirical distribution
  • A theoretical distribution has a precise mathematical description
  • A theoretical distribution has parameters that modify the shape of the distribution
  • Theoretical distributions can be used to 'mimic' empirical distributions
  • Empirical and theoretical distributions can be described by their shape