Further queries and explanations will be added here as they arise.
Who should I contact with any queries about the Census ?
Please contact your College Finance Manager with any queries about the census.
Is the Budget used in calculating Performance Based Funding for my school:
In the UCD financial model, Performance Based Funding is earned by schools based on comparing the Net Fee Income earned in the year versus the Budget Target. Further details on the UCD financial model are set out here.
The Budget shown on the Census Reports is the plan submitted by the school in the most recent five year planning cycle. Accordingly it allows a school to see how fee income is performing versus the school's own plan.
The Budget Target, which is set formulaically and is used in calculating Performance Based Funding, is an overall Net Fee Income target. The School Overview By Level report shows the forecasted Performance Based Funding for the school. The College Overview By Unit report shows the forecasted Performance Based Funding for each school and for the college itself.
Is there an Exchange Adjustment in November 2020 Census ?
The Exchange Adjustment re-attributes income earned from students going out on exchange based on the module registrations of incoming exchange students. The income is earned as undergraduate income, but is attributed as occasional income. In 2020 there is very little exchange activity and so a very small amount of fee income is re-attributed in this way. For schools that normally have exchange activity, and do not in 2020, undergraduate income is slightly higher than usual, and occasional income slightly lower than usual, because there is so little exchange activity.
What Terms are included in the censuses ?
The censuses collate information from 3 Term Codes. In November 2020, we are combining the new September 2020 term with previous January 2020 and April 2020 terms. As we move through the year, we will replace January and April terms with the 2020/21 versions. If the registration and fee position is materially different in 2020/21 to last year, this will affect later censuses in this year. Overall, 95% of Fee Income is registered against the September term, so changes are unlikely to be material for most schools, but there may be individual cases where the difference is material, e.g. if a significant January start programme is being dropped this year.