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Accounts for FMs

Accounting Entries

This section sets out the account and cost centre codes to be used. Accounting Entries are grouped depending on whether they typically occur during the year, at Quarter End, or at Year End/Start of Year.

Guidelines and Notes re Journals

Link to journal form, explanation of fields etc.

General Ledger Journals

  • Please populate all fields in the header (date; debit control etc. noting date should be in the format 09/07/17 as the system cannot read the format 09.07.17).
  • All journals are to be submitted to (opens in a new window)accounts.queries@ucd.ie
  • The journal form may be downloaded here [TBC]

Cost Centre Budget Journals

Cost Centre budgets are no longer submitted via journals, they are prepared on PBCS. See Operating Budgets (PDF).

Research Project Budgets

Research Budgets are handled by the Research Finance Office.

Project Budgets (Non-Research)

Budgets for projects such as D accounts, DF accounts CS accounts etc. should be submitted using the Budget Journal spreadsheet

  • Prior to close, a journal may be sumbitted as an automatic Reversing Journal [Journal Type = "R"]
  • After close, please include a rmanual Reversing Journal with every journal submitted – include both on the same email.
  • Period 9 Journal Type = “H” – reversing Period10 Journal Type = “J”.
  • Please populate all fields in the header (date; debit control etc. noting date should be in the format 09/07/17 as the system cannot read the format 09.07.17).
  • Please ensure the reversing journal uses the exact same cost centre codes and account codes as the original. E.g. if a Period 9 journal debits account code 81313 Occ Lec – Qtr Adj do not post the reversing journal to 82350 Nonpay

Download the Old Journal Form - no longer in use.

Click to download the Old Journal Form - no longer in use. The file includes the instructions, but a screenshot and the instructions are also shown below for convenience.

Instructions for completing Journals

The Journal sheet is used to prepare a Journal for uploading to eFinancials.

Fields shaded in yellow are to be completed, fields shaded in blue should not be changed. Cells should not be moved. Whole rows can be inserted or deleted in the body of the journal template. Please ensure that you have enough lines prior to starting your journal. If rows are inserted about the first or after the last line, they may not be included in the upload to EFIN.

A) Header Fields to complete


This Reference helps us to identify the journal upload to the person or area that has prepared it. Please save the journal with this reference number so that the general ledger team can match up the relevant journal with the printed copy. Efinancials will not allow a journal with the same ref to be uploaded in the same period, therefore reducing the changes of a duplicate upload.

This can only be seven characters long

Suggestions for Naming Journals

Individual Users
Use your initials following by a number sequence eg ABC001, ABC002
Use your initials following by period and a alpha character eg AB11a, AB11b (being period 11 postings)

College Journals
College journals could start with the 2 digits College reference (eg CB, CV etc.)
eg CB001, CB002 etc being a numeric sequence
eg CB10a, CB10b being period 10

Recharging Units
Initials of the Unit, following by period for monthly journals
COP11a, COP12a, COP12b etc
"a" being your first journal of the period in question, "b" being the second and so on.

Journal SubType

TF Transfers between cost centre / jobs/ grants etc.
IC internal charges
AC Accrual
JL Journal to the P&L or Balance Sheet 
CO Correction 
BC  Bank Credit (only used for bank transactions)
BD Bank Debit (only used for bank transactions)
CR Cashbook receipt (physical lodgements)


The date the journal is prepared and forwarded to the general ledger office for processing.


Current period & Year, unless posting into a prior period as a historic "H" journal (eg Period 13).


Cell B7 :Please copy journal name as this will be maintained on EFIN on the posted journal.


This should always be "Y" for yes.

Journal Type

"J"  "Journal" for normal journals 
"H"  "Historic"  for journals posting into prior periods (eg Period 13 adjustment period) 
"R" "Reversing" normally used to post month end accruals into current period & immediately reverse into following period. Only available prior to GL close.


Journals should be authorised by another finance office staff member.
An email authorising journals should be sent with the journal request to (opens in a new window)accounts.queries@ucd.ie

Debit Control

The total of debits values .
The excel formula '=SUMIF(RANGE,">0")' can be use to calcuate the debit total (all values greater than 0). Please round (excel formula "=round(cell,2)" ) all values to 2 decimal places before entering, pasting values into the journal. Small differences can delay the uploading process.


Please provide relevant back-up to satisfy an auditor, and to assist your colleagues understand the postings
Supporting data could be sent as an email attachment to accounts.queries@ucd.ie & attached to the journal once posted.

B) Journal Detail fields to complete

Journal Narrative

Please use a full narrative to help cost centre users, grant holders or other users understand the journal. Be concise, no sentences. Most relevant details should be input at the beginning of the narrative. Please limit the characters to 65.

C) Potential Issues with Journals


Formulas on some parts of the template, can cause a failed upload. When copying from other spreasheets, please use PASTE VALUES only.


as EFIN refers to the cells in the journal, moving cells, or shifting cells, can cause incorrect values to be uploaded. Please copy & paste values into cells. Insert whole rows into the body of the journal, DO NOT INSERT CELLS. It is a good idea to insert enough lines before starting the journal!


Entering College instead of the correct EFIN entity "COLEGE" i.e. one "l".


Please use forward slashes : DD/MM/YY, 01/09/19 = 1st Sept 2019.

Accounting Entries during the Year

Transfers and other postings made monthly or ad-hoc during the year.

UPBF funds transferred from the centre will be credited against account code 80136.

The UPBF reference number will be included in the transfers processed from the Finance Office in Analysis field 4 of the journals posted.

The UPBF transfers are processed monthly from the Finance Office.

Central transfers other than under designated schemes such as OIP, Social Costs, PBF are credited to the local cost centre against account code 80138.

These transfers are to be processed monthly from the Finance Office.

Core Grant allocated to the university via the HEA RGAM mechanism is not atttributed to units. Certain designated funding (referred to as Earmarked Grant Income) that is ring-fenced for particular purposes is attributed to units. The account used for this is set out below; it is within the Direct Income grouping and so is part of a unit's Net Direct Expenditure.

80135 - Grant Income Transfer

As the income is ring-fenced for particular purposes, it is important that it is used in a manner consistent with the terms of the funding, there is usually a reporting requirement associated with such funding. Then FM should ensure that relevant staff (e.g. Head of School and School Manager) are aware of these requirements.

Click to download Journal Form with Analysis Fields to be used in posting Vacancy Savings. Account coding and use of analysis fields set out below:

Central Charge

Dr 4321-81507 (Central vacancy savings)

where 4321 represents the cost centre in the College Allocation Unit.

The charge is applied each month.

Re-allocation to units

Dr 1234-81508 (Local vacancy savings)

Cr 4321-81509 (Local vacancy savings recharge)

where 4321 represents the cost centre in the College Allocation Unit & 1234 represents the local cost centre.

This journal must balance - it is to re-allocate charges to units and by definition must total to 0. Depending on the local circumstances, FMs may be re-allocating more (ie over-recovering) or less (under-recovering) than the Allocation Unit has been charged, which will leave a net positive or negative amount in the Allocation Unit, but either way the re-allocation journal itself must be balanced.

For the credit side of the journal, the re-classification from the college/central unit to the local area, the text ‘Vacancycge’ should be input in the analysis 4 field, this will then label these as ‘Vacancycge’ when the SALWAG actuals are loaded to PBCS, on the Actual V Plan reports.

EF Cost Centre

Where an EF cost centre is used, it is to be entered as the Job Code in the journal, in addition to the regular code being entered as the cost centre. E.g. 4321 as the cost centre plus EF4321 as the job code.

Person Identifier

Where an employee number is known this should be populated in the analysis 3 field for the local vacancy savings charge (debit). Where the employee number is not yet know, analysis field 3 should be populated with the ‘person’ code dropping the ’18.’, for example person code ’18.S086.001’ will become ‘S086.001

Charges processed locally by the school or college remain as charged locally, they are not reversed or adjusted by central Finance.

Accounts used for Recharges

Central scholarship and commission charges are applied provisionally based on the November Census to the Semester 1 (ie 'Sem 1') accounts in Period 2. When the February census is published updated charges are calculated, reflecting final module registrations. The Semester 1 charges are reversed in February, leaving the Semester 1 accounts at net 0 balances, and the updated charges are applied to the Semester 2 ('Sem 2') accounts.

82316 - Fee Commission Recharges Sem 1

82317 - Fee Commission Recharges Sem 2

82318 - Fee S'Ship Recharges Sem 1

82319 - Fee S'Ship Recharges Sem 2

The following accounts are not structured by semester; normally there are few additional concessions posted in semester 2.

82090 - Fee Concession - Tutor/Res Dem

82094 - Fee Concessions Newman Schols

Accounts used for local charging of Fee-Related Expenditure

82305 - Student Fees Scholarship

82710 - Fee Related Expenditure Other TF’s

Levy Costs

The main Social Costs Levy is charged monthly to the cost centres in which staff costs are incurred. The Research Social Costs levy is not charged to Research accounts as external funders would not fund such costs, but instead to a school cost centre. The accounts used are:

  • 81913 Social Costs Levy - Main Scheme
  • 81912 Social Costs Levy - Research Scheme

Social Costs - Reimbirsements

The following accounts are used to reimburse Social Costs:

  • 81930 - Research Maternity Leave Payments
  • 81931 - Non-Research SC Maternity Leave Payments
  • 81932 - Research Redundancy Payments
  • 81933 - Non-Research Redundancy Payments
  • 81934 - Research Sick Leave Payments
  • 81935 - Non-Research Sick Leave Payments

Incurring Social Costs

Main (non-Research) Social Costs Fund

The costs of staff on maternity leave and on long-term sick leave are recorded in the normal way to local cost centres. Redundancy costs are charged to account 81910 and should be charged automatically by HR to the Social Costs fund. If you believe that a redundancy charge has been incorrectly charged to a local cost centre, contact the Management Accountant to requet that it be charged against the Social Costs Fund.

Research Social Costs Fund

The costs of staff on maternity leave and on long-term sick leave are recorded in the normal way to the Research Account. Redundancy costs are charged by HR to the Research Account, to account code 91904. The Research Finance Office review this account and if the costs will not be met by the funder, transfer the costs to the Research Social Fund.


Social costs are automatically budgeted as part of Staff Planning on PBCS and are passed from the Staff Plan to the following account in the Financial Plan:

  • 81914 - Social Costs Levy (non Rsch) per Staff Plan

Budgets for the Research Social Costs levy are prepared manually by FMs and entered against account 81912.

For drawdowns from discretionary reserves, no entry is required in eFin / PBCS as the drawdown will happen as naturally as part of the year end close process. Where a unit has overspent vs target, the discretionary reserves will be reduced automatically as part of the year end NDE adjustment by Central FPMA with the effect of reducing the discretionary reserve. 

Transfers from the Discretionary Reserves of one unit to another should be entered as follows. It is not permitted to transfer directly from the Balance Sheet of one unit to the Income and Expenditure account of another unit.

Dr Y998-99997 Transfers Between Reserves

Cr Y999-99997 Transfers Between Reserves

transfers from unit S998 to S999.

Quarter End Accruals

Information regarding the cost centre and account codes to use for Quarter End adjustments.

Quarter-End Pay Accruals

DR Q999-82353 Salwag – Qtr Adj

CR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

DR Q999-81303 Tutors – Qtr Adj

CR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

DR Q999-81313 Occ Lecturer – Qtr Adj

CR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

DR Q999-81911 Other Pay – Qtr Adj

CR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

DR Q999-82073 Scholarship – Qtr Adj

CR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

Non-Pay Accruals

DR Q999-82350 Non-Pay – Qtr Adj

CR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

Other Income

External Income

DR 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

CR Q999-80698 Adjustments Income (External)

Internal Income

Dr 9000-98354 Quarter End Accruals (BS)

CR Q999- 80601 Internal Income (Internal)

Do not use Q codes.

Normally committed funds drawn down from committed reserves on the balance sheet are fully drawn down in Quarter 1, and the budget should have been phased to match this - with the drawdown occurring in Quarter 1 and the associated expenditure occurring during the year. Where this occurs, there is normally no need to enter accruals.

However, to the extent that activity does not align with the budget phasing, you may need to defer some or all of the income as follows:

Quarterly Deferral of Committed Reserves - Internal

DR 1234-89992

CR 1234-99992

Quarterly Deferral of Committed Reserves - External

DR 1234-89991

CR 1234-98357

Q Cost Centre Codes & Adjustment Account Codes - Actuals

  • The Q cost centre codes are for Outturns purposes only.
  • Please use Q codes in line with School Level 6 Codes e.g. Q001 for S001.
  • The Q codes and the above P&L account codes should always be used in tandem with each other - they are not to be used with other cost centres or account codes.

Q Cost Centre Codes - Budgets

The Q cost centre codes are also used in budgeting, but are not used for Actuals, other than as above. Uses in budgets include:

  • Operating Budget Balancing Adjustments. These ensure that the sum of detailed cost centre budgets match the approved university budget for the school.
  • University Budget. The Q cost centre may be used to budget at the level of the School rather than for each individual cost centre when preparing the university budget. The FM may choose to budget some items at School level and some at cost centre level - no system settings need to be changed. For some items, e.g. Fee Income, the detailed cost centres are not relevant and so the Q cost centres are used.

Accounting Entries at Year End and Start of Year

Info regarding cost centre and account codes to be used by Finance Managers when posting year-end entries, plus also details of entries posted by central accountants at year end or at the start of the new accounting year.

Committed funds received are to be analysed between internally and externally committed funds at year end and recorded accordingly. All Committed funds are to be posted at cost centre level rather than school level.

Internally Committed funds

Internally committed funds are to be transferred to the balance sheet using account code 89992 and balance sheet code 99992. When these funds are drawn down the following year, account code 89992 is to be used to credit the funds.

2019 P13

Dr 1234-89992 (Surplus/Deficit Internally Funded)

Cr 1234-99992 (Internally Funded Reserves)

2020 P1

Dr 1234-99992 (Internally Funded Reserves)

Cr 1234-89992 (Reserve Drawdown - Internally Committed)

where 1234 represents the specific local cost centre.

Externally Committed funds

Externally committed funds are to be transferred to the balance sheet using account code 89991 and balance sheet code 98357. When these funds are drawn down the following year, account code 89991 is to be used to credit the funds.   

2019 P13

Dr 1234-89991 (Surplus/Deficit Externally Funded)

Cr 1234-98357 (Externally Funded Reserves)

where 1234 represents the specific local cost centre.

2020 P1

Dr 1234-98357 (Externally Funded Reserves)

Cr 1234-89991 (Surplus/Deficit Externally Funded)

where 1234 represents the specific local cost centre.

All committed funds to be drawn down during the year should be updated within both the University budget and Operational budget for the year on PBCS, with the amount to be drawn down recorded as a carryforward along with a corresponding amount for the expenditure (Pay/Nonpay) for which the funds are intended.

Year End NDE Variance entries are to be posted by FMs; Performance Based Funding are posted by the Management Accountant in FPMA.

Accounting for Y/E Net Direct Expenditure Variances

Entries shown below for favourable NDE variance - these are reversed for an unfavourable variance.

Dr Y999-89988 (NDE Variance )

Cr Y999-99999 (Discretionary Reserves)

where Y999 is the School 'Y' cost centre

Accounting for Y/E Performance Based Funding

Entries shown below for favourable Net Fee Income variance - these are reversed for an unfavourable variance.

School Portion

Dr Y999-89985 (Performance Based Funding - Own)

Cr Y999-99999 (Discretionary Reserves)

where Y999 is the School 'Y' cost centre

College Portion

Dr Y999-89986 Performance Based Funding - College

Cr Y123-99999 Discretionary Reserves

where Y999 is the School 'Y' cost centre and Y123 is the College 'Y' cost centre.

University Portion

Dr Y999-89987 Performance Based Funding - University

Cr Y088-99999 Discretionary Reserves

where Y999 is the School 'Y' cost centre, Y088 is the university cost centre.

OIP Income is credited to the following account:

80608 - Oip - Internal Income

OIP income is normally transferred at year end, when the actual expenditure in Research Accounts has been confirmed.

This section sets out the accounting treatment to be followed for accruals and prepayments in order to comply with audit requirements and to eliminate unnecessary coding of GAAP journals by the Financial Reporting team.

9000-98350 Sundry Accruals

Accruals are charges for services or goods received but where no invoice has yet been received.

There may also be provisions included here. Provisions are amounts set aside to cover future liabilities. Now, under FRS 102 a provision should only be recognised where there is a present obligation (either legal or constructive) as a result of a past event and where a transfer of economic benefit is probable to settle the obligation and that obligation can be reliably measured. Where FRS 102 is not being complied with, we may need to do a GAAP journal.

Provisions in respect of amounts invoiced to third parties and still outstanding should not be included here. They should be processed instead under 97442 sundry debtors. We only have specific codes to cover provisions for Fees and Research accounts but using 97442 will record the provision against doubtful debts under the same classification as the original debt and as a result won’t warrant a GAAP journal.

9000-97442 Sundry debtors

Sundry debtors should contain amounts which are due to UCD but have not been invoiced and recorded through the relevant sales ledger accounts. As noted previously, provisions against recoverable amounts can go in here. Supporting documentation should show that an amount is in fact due and that it pertains to the year under audit.

9000-97502 Sundry stock

Amounts recorded here can be stock of consumables specifically where purchases of goods toward the year end wouldn’t expect to be consumed in their entirety before the end of the reporting year.

9000-98455 Income in Advance

Transactions where funds have been received but which relate to future years rather than the year under audit should be recorded here. The double entry should show a debit against an income code where the original transaction was posted. Where a posting shows a debit against an expense code, this may require a GAAP journal. Review the supporting documentation for reasonable evidence that the funds do relate to future years.

9000-97490 Sundry Prepayments

Prepayments are where funds have been transferred to a third party but the related expenditure is for future years. You should expect to see a credit against an expense heading where the original transaction was posted. A debit against an income code may require a GAAP journal.

The net amount over- or under-recovered at year end should be calculated in the Allocation Unit by viewing the VACSAV account. This should equal the central charge received (account 81507) less the amount recharged out locally (81509). This balance should be transferred to the balance sheet.

If the charge has been over-recovered (i.e. a net negative amount), the double entry is:

Dr Y234-89999 Reserve Drawdown

Cr Y234-99996 Vacancy Savings Reserve.

If the charge has been under-recovered (i.e. a net positive amount), the double entry is:

Dr Y234-99996 Vacancy Savings Reserve.

Cr Y234-89999 Reserve Drawdown.

The calculation of the general NDE Variance versus Target for transferring to account 99999 should be performed after the transfer to the Vacancy Savings Reserve has been made.

2020/21 onwards:

NB. Rather than compare Outturns to Budget, from 2020/21 onwards Outturns will be compared against the formulaic Target. Accordingly no Reserve Transfers to match Budget will be applied in Quarter 1. The net position for a unit is not affected by this change, it merely affects when transfers are made.


In certain cases, the university may approve a budget for a unit where the planned Net Direct Expenditure is higher (or lower) than the Target set. In such a case the excess of NDE above Target is funded from the unit's Reserves and a transfer from (or to) Reserves is an intrinsic part of the budget approval.

A separate account is used for such transfers so that they may be isolated from discretionary transfers requested during the year. The transfer is performed by the Management Accountant early in the financial year, within Quarter 1 and so is fully implemented (ie not phased) by the time that Quarter 1 Outturns are reported.

Dr Y999-99999 (Discretionary Reserves)

Cr Y999-89984 (Transfers From Reserve re Budget Target)


Dr Y999-89983 (Transfers To Reserve re Budget Target)

Cr Y999-99999 (Discretionary Reserves)

where Y999 represents the 'Y' cost centre for the School.

UCD Finance Office

1st Floor Tierney Building University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
T: +353 1 716 7777