Gaeltacht UCD coordinates the UCD Irish/English and English/Irish translation service. All requests should be submitted in WORD format to: (opens in a new window)

Translation FAQs
Gaeltacht UCD can advise on this at: (opens in a new window)
See also:
Gaeltacht UCD can advise you at: (opens in a new window)
See also:
Yes, Gaeltacht UCD has a tender with an external translation company and each individual school or unit covers the cost of its own translations. All completed translations are then proofread free of charge by Gaeltacht UCD before they are returned to the individual school/unit. A small number of short translations are completed in-house, and Gaeltacht UCD has a translation database, which includes current names of UCD units, schools, colleges, and buildings, see
After submitting your text to (opens in a new window), Gaeltacht UCD will request an estimate from the translation company; translation costs are calculated by word count and complexity of text. If satisfied with the estimate the individual school/unit will then raise a PO no. for the cost of the translation, via UCD E-procurement (supplier code STA217) and the translation work proceeds. When the unit/school receives its completed translation it ‘receipts’ the PO no. via UCD E-procurement.
Time estimates can vary depending on the length of a document and the complexity of the text. The average turnaround time after receipt of PO no is 3-4 working days for a text with 1,000 words or less.
What appears to be a short or quick translation may not always be the case. Some translations can be completed on the same day in-house. Others may need to be sent out and/or in the case of ‘new’ terminology in specialized areas Gaeltacht UCD may contact the Coiste Tearmaíochta (National Terminology Committee) on your behalf.
To ensure consistency in standards and in-house style, we advise that all translations are processed via a single office (currently Gaeltacht UCD). Should an individual school/unit decide to have their translation work done independently, they should firstly contact UCD Procurement to ensure that their chosen translators and proofreaders are among those recently approved by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, and secondly that their chosen translator is approved for the type of text required, i.e. general text, legal text etc.
Having an Irish speaker on your team is a great asset for informal communication, however, unless he/she is a professional translator there will be no cost savings on written translations. The cost for proofing text with most translation companies is identical to the cost for translation. There may be exceptions, when basic instructions and/or single lines of text are concerned, then Gaeltacht UCD staff will be happy to liaise with colleagues and advise accordingly.
It is not advisable to use Google Translate, accuracy in online translation is not yet of a sufficiently high standard and errors are common when words and phrases are translated out of context.
Gaeltacht UCD can provide a translation for this. A member of the Gaeltacht UCD team can record this for you and/or can recommend an Irish speaking actor.
Irish Language Courses FAQs
You can register for a course at
All courses are held on the Belfield Campus.
Our language courses are free of charge to all current UCD students and employees. There is a registration charge of €10.00 per course.
Gaeltacht UCD offers courses at 5 language levels. A detailed description is available on If you are not sure which level to choose, you can take the online placement test based on our syllabi: (opens in a new window)
The communicative approach to teaching is used in all courses run by Gaeltacht UCD. There is a strong emphasis on group work and the learner is given every opportunity to play an active role in the class. The emphasis is on useful everyday language, interesting topics, and grammar is taught in context as it is required. The courses cover skills in reading and writing but the main emphasis is on oral communication and comprehension.
Gaeltacht UCD offers a specific preparatory course for the European Certificate in Irish, level B1. Level B1 is the minimum entry requirement in Irish for the Professional Master in Education (PME)-Primary Teaching Course and for a number of posts in the public service. All Gaeltacht UCD language classes, levels A1 to B2 correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe 2001) and will assist learners who wish to prepare for the European Certificate in Irish ( at other levels also.
There is no need to buy a textbook for Gaeltacht UCD’s courses. Your tutor will distribute all the materials you will need.
Gaeltacht UCD offers Irish language courses each trimester, if you cannot attend in trimester 1 you can start in trimester 2, alternatively, you may like to join our 1-week immersion course Tionól Gaeilge UCD, a summer school which is aimed at learners in Ireland and abroad who are interested in the Irish language and in Irish culture. It will also suit students, both in Ireland and abroad, who are studying Irish or Irish studies as a subject as classes are offered at 5 levels. Further information:
Gaeltacht UCD does not provide private classes free of charge but if you or a group of colleagues would like to organise private or specialised classes, we can advise you on this.
Language Course Levels FAQs
This level is aimed at students who have no knowledge of the Irish language or who know only a few words and phrases. The class will not be suitable for anyone who has studied Irish at second level in Ireland. This level is ideal for international students who may have no prior experience of the language.
This level is intended for students who have an elementary knowledge of the language from previous study or those who already attended a number of courses at beginner 1. Instruction will begin with a revision of key basic elements of the language.
This level is aimed at students who have studied Irish to leaving cert level, perhaps at ordinary level, who understand a great deal of the language but have had a few opportunities to use it in recent years. It is also suitable for those who attended ‘Elementary’ during the past academic year. Some basic language will be taught initially but the class will then progress at a faster pace than either of the lower level classes.
This level is aimed at students who are reasonably fluent in Irish and who use it socially from time to time. It is ideal for those who may have taken Irish as a higher -level subject in the Irish leaving certificate. Participants will have the opportunity to extend their vocabulary and to learn more about Irish grammar. The range of topics covered will be more extensive than those covered in the lower intermediate class.
A course designed for those who have taken a number of courses at upper intermediate level and who wish to focus on grammar and advanced fluency (this level is offered subject to demand).
Cultural Activities FAQs
Gaeltacht UCD offers a range of cultural, sporting and social activities each trimester, these include activities such as traditional dance workshops, a podcast discussion group, yoga through Irish, Irish folklore workshops and lessons in traditional music and song. These activities provide the opportunity to use the language in a relaxed environment, make new friends and have fun. Keep an eye on our social media for updates on future events: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
You can register for the cultural events here
Teach na Gaeilge UCD FAQs
Teach na Gaeilge is Gaeltacht UCD’s Irish Language Student Residence Scheme. This scheme had been at the centre of saol na Gaeilge on campus since 2000 and offers scholars a unique experience. Students from various subject areas have the opportunity to live and work together as Gaeilge, while further developing their individual talents through a range of social and cultural activities.
Teach na Gaeilge UCD is located in the Merville Student Residences on Belfield campus, just minutes away from the university’s lecture theatres, libraries, sports and computer facilities.
Gaeltacht UCD offers scholarships to 24 students – 12 incoming students and 12 continuing students.
Applicants must be fluent Irish speakers and have the desire and ability to initiate projects which promote the use of the language.
No. All students with fluent Irish are welcome to apply.
No. Students from all subject areas may apply.
Application forms will be available on the Gaeltacht UCD website in early March:
Applications will be shortlisted and a number of students will be invited to interview. Successful candidates will be chosen based on their application form and interview.
The scholarship is for one academic year. Students can enter the competition again in subsequent years. Scholars are required to be actively engaged in the promotion of the language and those interviewed for a 2nd year must prove their engagement in year 1.
Scholars live together in UCD’s mini-Gaeltacht (through the medium of Irish 24/7). They make friends with Irish speaking students from a range of faculties thus ensuring they can continue to use the language in their lives socially at University and beyond. As language ambassadors they may also have the opportunity to engage with students of other minority languages and/or of other cultures. All Gaeltacht UCD scholars are supported by orientation, training, an accredited module and a mentoring scheme which gives them access to a network of Irish speakers from various professions (2000-2020 alumni). Scholars actively promote the language by drawing on their own unique talents ,thus gaining experience in teamwork, and event management. The Gaeltacht UCD scholarship has a financial value of €1,500 in total, this is linked directly to residency in Teach na Gaeilge and paid in monthly instalments over 7 months. The scholarship is listed on each scholar’s academic transcript.
Up to date information and pricing for accommodation on campus is available from UCD Residences:
Yes, email or call 017167387 to speak with Gaeltacht UCD Director Clár Ní Bhuachalla or Gaeltacht UCD Administrator/Coordinator Ashling Harteveld.