Anna Peters

Anna Peters

Medicine, Stage Four

Why did you choose to study medicine?

Medicine was always an attractive choice for me. Working as a doctor is one thing I could always see myself doing, and also being good at.

What has been the most interesting aspect of the course so far?

The interaction or contact we’ve had with patients or patient advocates. I always find that hearing patients’ stories directly makes me remember things much more effectively than reading them from a book or lecture slides.

What has been the most challenging part of the course so far?

The ability to think on one’s feet. It is different to other university degrees, where you sit in the lecture theatre the whole time. In medicine, you will be asked a question and you have to think on the spot, which can be difficult enough at times.

What advice would you give to prospective students who are thinking of taking the course?

Make sure it’s a career you know you will enjoy, and one you are willing to put your all into because it’s not easy. It can be very rewarding, as long as you love it.