Society for Musicology in Ireland, 2025 Conference
19–21 June 2025
23rd Annual Plenary Conference of the Society for Musicology in Ireland
The 23rd Annual Plenary Conference of the Society for Musicology in Ireland/Aontas Ceoleolaíochta na hÉireann will be hosted by the School of Music, University College Dublin, from 19–21 June 2025.
We are delighted to announce that Esteban Buch (Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) will deliver the keynote address.
The Organising Committee of the conference are now accepting paper proposals for the 2025 conference. Details below:
Conference Details
Date19 - 21 June 2025
LocationUCD School of Music, Belfield
OrganisersSociety for Musicology in Ireland
Call for Papers
Proposals are invited from all areas of musical scholarship, including – yet not restricted to – historical musicology, ethnomusicology, popular music studies, music theory and music education. Topics may cover – yet again, are not restricted to – music, AI and digital cultures; intersections between music, socio-politics, gender, ethnicity, and religion; issues of aesthetics and performance; and methodological challenges for the discipline.
We welcome
- Individual papers
- Themed panel sessions (comprising 3 individual papers)
- Round-table sessions (up to 6 people, each presenting a position paper, followed by a discussion)
- Lecture recitals
Individual papers and papers in themed panel sessions will be 20 minutes in length, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Round-table sessions should not exceed 90 minutes, including time for discussion. Lecture recitals should be 30 minutes in length, including time for discussion.
Abstracts for all individual papers should not exceed 250 words. In the case of themed panel sessions and round-table sessions, there should be an abstract for the whole session (maximum 250 words) plus an abstract for each individual speaker (maximum 150 words each), and should be submitted as a single document.
Abstracts should include:
- Title for the paper and/or session
- Name, contact details and affiliation (where applicable) of the speaker(s) (and, in the case of themed panel sessions and round-table sessions, the panel convener)
- Brief biography of the speaker(s) (maximum 150 words per speaker)
- Indication of equipment that is required
- These should be sent, as a Word-compatible file, to the conference email address: (opens in a new window)smiucd2025@gmail.com
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: Monday 31 January 2025.
Notifications of the outcome will be sent out before the end of February.
Any queries regarding the submission process can be addressed to the chair of the Organising Committee, Wolfgang Marx, at (opens in a new window)wolfgang.marx@ucd.ie.
On Wednesday, 18 June 2025, the UCD School of Music will host a one-day conference entitled "A Farewell Symposium in Honour of Harry White”. Delegates of the SMI conference are warmly invited to attend this event – organised on the occasion of Harry White’s retirement as Chair of Music at UCD – as well.
Organising Committee of the SMI 2025 Conference
Wolfgang Marx (University College Dublin)
Laura Anderson (University College Dublin)
Anika Babel (University College Dublin)
Matthew P. Thomson (University College Dublin)
Programme Committee of the SMI 2025 Conference
Laura Anderson (University College Dublin)
Anika Babel (University College Dublin)
Barbara Dignam (Dublin City University)
Matthew P. Thomson (University College Dublin)
Laura Watson (Maynooth University)