Postgraduate Events
Postgraduate Student Events
This is an open invitation for a film screening group.
The purpose of this group is to host the projection of films having a particular philosophical interest.
After the screening, we will try to have a discussion regarding any potential raised topics.
This time, the film will be: Sidewalls (Spanish: Medianeras) a 2011 comedy-drama film written and directed by Gustavo Taretto.
Both students and members of staff are welcome to join.
The date: Friday 1st of March
The place: the School of Philosophy's seminar room (D520)
The time: 16:00 o’clock
If you have any sort of specific interests and suggestions or even just a question that you would like to share do not hesitate to contact Petros: (opens in a new window)petros.satrazanis2@
This is an open invitation for a film screening group.
The purpose of this group is to host the projection of films having a particular philosophical interest. After the screening, we will try to discuss any potentially raised topics.
This time, the film will be: 'Possession'' a 1981 film directed by Andrzej Zulawski.
Both students and members of staff are welcome to join.
The date: Friday 23 of February
The place: the School of Philosophy's seminar room (D520)
The time: 16:00 o’clock
If you have any sort of specific interests and suggestions or even just a question that you would like to share do not hesitate to contact Petros: (opens in a new window)petros.satrazanis2@
This Friday evening is devoted to Love, the major and eternal existential problem. Although love's truth varies and can be considered as something "subjective," its power penetrates the borders of subjectivity.
Come over and join us on the 5th floor at the Department of Philosophy in room D520 at 17:00, where we will read and discuss Love.
You don't need to bring anything else except your willingness. And why not, a poem?
This is an open invitation for a film screening group.
The purpose of this group is to host the projection of films having a particular philosophical interest.
After the film there will be a discussion on any potential raised topics.
This time, the film will be: ''Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...And Spring'' a 2003 South Korean drama film directed by Kim Ki-Duk.
Both students and members of staff are welcome to join.The date: Friday 9th of February
The place: the School of Philosophy's seminar room (D520)
The time: 16:00 o’clock

Weitermachen: The Task of Social Philosophy Revisited (24-25 November 2023)
Weitermachen: The Task of Social Philosophy Revisited
An International Symposium in Commemoration of the Centenary of the Institute for Social Research (1923-2023)
24-25 November 2023 • University College Dublin • Hybrid Event
This year, as we mark the quasquicentennial of Herbert Marcuse's birth (1898), the semicentennial of Max Horkheimer's passing (1973), and the centenary of the Institute for Social Research (1923), among others, we are hosting an international symposium on critical social theory, with the broad theme of "Weitermachen" as our central focus.
The word "weitermachen", engraved on Marcuse's tombstone in Berlin, means 'to carry on' or 'to keep on going.' While the concept has played a significant role in the Frankfurt School's commitments towards radical social change, the concept, nevertheless, has likewise been at the heart of a tension within the Institut für Sozialforschung. With the centenary of the Institute, one could inquire, adapting the title of Benedetto Croce's oft-cited book on Hegel, what is living and what is dead in critical theory today? However, this would be to suggest a final settling of accounts, a forensic distance ill-suited to a tradition we take still to be of contemporary moment, and whose promise and potential, if they are to be realised, require that committed scholarship carry into the new the ideals of the old. Thus, in this upcoming two-day symposium, we endeavour to reflect on the contemporary significance of weitermachen against the backdrop of the broader project of critical social theory, now considering its developments within and beyond the Frankfurt School. More specifically, we intend to ask, what does it mean to keep on going today? This question not only examines the practical strategies of critical theory and social movements, insofar as the realisation of the normative claims of critical theory are concerned; it can also be deployed as a reflexive inquiry intended to examine the very commitments of contemporary critical social theory.
Our speakers include:
- Maeve Cooke (UCD)
- Danielle Petherbridge (UCD)
- John McGuire (UCD)
- David James (University of Warwick)
- Giovanna Luciano (Università degli Studi di Padova)
- Simon Gurisch (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
- Kelly Agra (UCD)
- Bárbara Nascimento De Lima (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / UCD)
- Ranier Abengana (UCD)
- Haikyung Kwon (UCD)
- Sam Ferns (UCD)
- Safae el Khannoussi (University of Amsterdam)
- Lena Nowak-Laird (The New School of Social Research)
- Rik Ouwerkkerk (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
- Lisann Penttila (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
- Blake Scott (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
All are welcome! We warmly invite you to join and engage with us in this symposium, where we explore these questions and navigate the evolving landscape of critical social theory. While all presentations will be held in person, we are providing the option for participants to join us remotely via Zoom. Whether you wish to attend in person or online, (opens in a new window)please register here, as it would help us ensure that we can accommodate everyone.
Conference Details
Date24-25 November 2023
TimeAll Day
LocationUCD Dublin
OrganisersRanier Abengana, Haikyung Kwon, and Sam Ferns School of Philosophy University College Dublin
Sponsors We would like to express our gratitude to the School of Philosophy for their generous funding, as well as our special appreciation to Professor Brian O'Connor, for his invaluable support and substantial contribution in making this event possible.
Please register hereThis is an open invitation for a film screening group.
The purpose of this group is to host the projection of films having a particular philosophical interest.
After the screening, we will try to have a discussion regarding any potential raised topics.
This time, the film will be: ''La Cérémonie'' a film by Claude Chabrol (1995)
Both students and members of staff are welcome to join.

This is an open invitation for a film screening group.
The purpose of this group is to host the projection of films having a particular philosophical interest.
After the screening, we will try to have a discussion regarding any potential raised topics.
This time, the film will be: '' Eternity and a Day'' a film by Theo Angelopoulos (1998)
Both students and members of staff are welcome to join.
Cultural Mind Mini-Conference | 2 May 2023
Students from the 'Cultural Mind' MA course are presenting their research this coming Tuesday (2nd of May) in a conference format (in UCD Lochlann Quinn School of Business, room Q113
All very welcome to attend!
British and Irish Postgraduate Philosophy Association (BIPPA)
Annual Conference November 11 & 12 2022 – ‘Gender, Race, Identity
Every year, the British and Irish Postgraduate Philosophy Association (BIPPA) organises its Annual Conference, with the aim of bringing together postgraduate students from all over the UK and the Republic of Ireland to present their work, meet their peers and strengthen the postgraduate philosophical community. The conference includes talks by graduate students, keynote addresses by senior academics, and the BIPPA Annual Careers Workshop. During the second day of the conference, participants will also have the opportunity to attend our BIPPA Annual Masterclass.Heidegger on Love: the absent mood in Being and Time
The UCD Heidegger Reading group is delighted to host Dr Christos Hadjioannou from the University of Cyprus for the online seminar 'Heidegger on Love: the absent mood in Being and Time' on 14 February at 16:30.All are welcome!
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Evie at
Zoom login details:
Time: Feb 14, 2022 04:30 PM Dublin
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 619 2232 5994
UCD PhD Symposium on Mind, Metaphysics and Language | Friday 11 February, 10:00 to 16:00
With Naomi Corlett, Pepa Mellema, Alma Buholzer,John Rogers, and Marta Dmuchowska
Open to UCD and TCD Philosophy Students and Faculty
Friday 11 February, 10:00 to 16:00 (see poster for complete schedule)
Agnes Cuming Seminar Room, D5 Newman Building
Email for Zoom link
For those wishing to attend, in person, any or all sessions please email
Alma Buholzer at as there is a room capacity of 25
UCD TCD Work in Progress Seminars
The WiP is the best occasion to present one's work in progress to receive feedback from colleagues in an informal but still academic environment. The WiP seminars have connected philosophy students from UCD and TCD for many years; they are a forum to present any philosophical work a PhD or an MA student has in progress and might have doubts about. It is a good way to see if what one is working on is received well by other students with different philosophical and cultural backgrounds. These seminars are thought to be an opportunity to make a step toward a more developed piece of work.Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) | Weekly Chat
The Coffee and Tea (CAT) Afternoons are an opportunity for philosophy students from all levels (postgrads or undergrads) as well as staff, to socially meet and chat over coffee and tea, think about event ideas, share issues or concerns, or just meet and interact with new people (as well as old ones), in a safe space and with a friendly community. This semester, the CAT Afternoons are held every Friday at 1PM at the Agnes Cumming Seminar Room at the School of Philosophy. All philosophy enthusiasts are welcome.Philosophy & Literature Symposium | 8 October 2021 | Join PhD students from UCD School of Philosophy and the University of Augsburg for a symposium exploring ethical themes and intersections between philosophy and literature
Followed by a Keynote event "Notes from a Biscuit Tin" with an original poem read by Nerys Williams (UCD).Notes from a Biscuit tin is a year-long celebration of Mary Midgley's philosophy vision. On what would have been Mary's 100th birthday, her biscuit tin began a 12-month round-the-world voyage. From this tin, Mary dispensed philosophical conversation wit, and ginger snaps to her visitors over many decades. At twelve stops around the world, a poet and philosophers meet to share a conversation on a theme from Midgley's work. The conversation will begin with the poet reading a commissioned poem on the theme, followed by responses from UCD Philosophy graduates and Faculty.
Heidegger's Account of the Truth
Join Dr Lisa Foran for an online line discussion of Heidegger's Account of the Truth with UCD Heidegger Reading Group on 28th May 2021All are welcome!
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Evie at
Zoom login details:
Time: 28 May, 2022 04:30 PM Dublin
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 619 2232 5994
Dr Joseph Cohen UCD School of Philosophy with Dr Rapheal Zagury-Orly
The UCD Heidegger Reading group is delighted to host Dr Rapheal Zagury_Orly | Instiute Catholique De Paris | 14 May 2021All are welcome!
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Evie at
Zoom login details:
Time: Feb 14, 2022 04:30 PM Dublin
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 619 2232 5994
Adrono's Critique of Heidegger
The UCD Heidegger Reading group is delighted to host Prof Brian O'Connor "Adorno's Critique of Heidegger" Friday 9th April 2021All are welcome!
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Evie at
Zoom login details:
Time: Feb 14, 2022 04:30 PM Dublin
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 619 2232 5994
This is an open invitation for a film screening group.
The purpose of this group is to host the projection of films having a particular philosophical interest.
After the screening, we will try to have a discussion regarding any potential raised topics.
This time, the film will be: ‘’Ulysses’ Gaze’’ a film by Theo Angelopoulos (1995).
Both students and members of staff are welcome to join.
The date: Friday 14th of April
The place: the School of Philosophy's seminar room (D520)
The time: 16:00 o’clock
If you have any sort of specific interests and suggestions or even just a question that you would like to share do not hesitate to contact Petros: (opens in a new window)
UCD Heidegger Reading Group
Join us to discuss all topics Heidegger as we bring together the UCD School of Philosophy faculty and invited guests to discuss ideas of Heidegger from time to time. Keep an eye on this page for details or contact Evie @ or Andrew@andrew.doyle2@ucdconnect.ieSocial Philosophy Symposium
You are warmly invited to the first in a series of PhD symposia in philosophy commencing this trimester at the School of Philosophy. The first symposium will be on "Social Philosophy" to be held via Zoom (please find details below) on 6 February 2021 (Saturday) at 10:00AM - 5:30PM (UTC+00:00).MA Conference 2021 | 10 April 2021
Details of our annual MA conference where MA graduate students air their interests and their workAutumn 2020 Coffee Mornings
The Coffee Mornings have been established as a weekly opportunity for the graduate Philosophy students to connect with their peers, exchange useful information and have a break from their studies while enjoying some tea or coffee.Prior to the pandemic, the Coffee Mornings used to take place at the Newman building, and the School was kindly providing us with free coffee, tea and treats. Since April 2020, the Coffee Mornings have been moved online and they will continue taking place online on a weekly one-hour long basis, until further notification.
You can join a Coffee Morning session with the recurring google meets link:
Shared Virtual Office
UCD Postgraduate students have initiated a student network in collaboration with Trinity students that they call the Shared Virtual Office, which aims to motivate and support Philosophy graduate students who are currently working from home? The contact person for the Virtual Office is Andrea BoudinUCD School of Philosophy
Fifth Floor – Room D501, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. T: +353 1 716 8186 | E: | Location Map(opens in a new window)UCD Philosophy is ranked among the Top 100 Departments of Philosophy worldwide (QS World University Rankings 2017, 2018, 2023 and 2024)