The All Ireland Traveller Health Study (AITHS) was a study of Traveller health status and health needs that involved all Travellers living on the island of Ireland, both North and South. The raw data from major parts of this study are available in this data-set. A central part of the study was a census of Travellers living on the island of Ireland, examining numbers of Travellers, living conditions and other factors. At the same time the census was conducted, a survey of the health status, and of health service utilisation of Traveller children and adults was carried out. A part of the AITHS was a longitudinal study of Traveller babies. The purpose of the birth cohort study was to enumerate the number of births to Irish Travellers in one calendar year and to follow up the babies for a year in order to capture important indicators of health. Another element of the AITHS was a survey, carried out by telephone interview or by questionnaire, of health service providers covering aspects of current service delivery for Travellers. Data from each of these elements of the study are organised in separate sub-folders. The census data are presented together with the health and health utilisation data as this is how they were collected. Data from Northern Ireland are presented separately to data from the Republic of Ireland as there were small differences between the two quesionnaires used. The data are in SPSS sav files. Data dictionaries are included for each data-set that explain each of the variables and the coding used. Copies of the questionnaires used to collect the data are also included. A full description of the data, the project, and its findings is contained in the report prepared at the end study. This report is also included here. SPSS files (*.sav) were saved using version 20.0.0 of the IBM® SPSS® Statistics package. Excel files (*.xlsx) were saved using version 14.0.6123.5001 (32-bit) of Microsoft® Office Professional Plus 2010. =========================== Folders, Files and Contents =========================== ReadMe.txt This document. BirthCohort Material related to the birth cohort study. AITHS_Birth_Cohort.sav Birth cohort data. AITHS_Birth_Cohort_Data_Dictionary.xlsx Data dictionary. CensusAndHealthSurvey\NI Northern Ireland census and health survey material. AITHS_Census_NI.sav Main data-set. AITHS_Census_Data_Dictionary_NI.xlsx Data dictionary for main data set. AITHS_Census_Family_Members_NI.sav Family members data set. AITHS_Family_Members_Data_Dictionary_NI.pdf Data dictionary for family members data set. AITHS_Census_Questionnaire_NI.pdf Questionnaire used for Nothern Ireland. CensusAndHealthSurvey\ROI Republic of Ireland census and health survey material. AITHS_Census_ROI.sav Main data-set. AITHS_Census_Data_Dictionary_ROI.xlsx Data dictionary for main data set. AITHS_Census_Family_Members_ROI.sav Family members data set. AITHS_Family_Members_Data_Dictionary_ROI.pdf Data dictionary for family members data set. AITHS_Census_Questionnaire_ROI.pdf Questionnaire used for Republic of Ireland. ServiceProviders Sub-directory holding material related to the service provider survey. AITHS_Service_Providers_Survey.sav Service providers survey data. AITHS_Service_Providers_Data_Dictionary.xlsx Data dictionary. AITHS_Service_Providers_Questionnaire.pdf Questionnaire used for service provider survey. FinalReport Sub-directory holding the final AITHS report. AITHS_SUMMARY.pdf Executive summary. AITHS_TechnicalReport1.pdf Health Survey Findings. AITHS_TechnicalReport2.pdf Demographics and Vital Statistics. AITHS_TechnicalReport3.pdf Qualitative Studies, Health Service Provider Study, Discussion and Recommendations.