On Prayer for the Dead

Author: James Carney

An electronic edition

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p. 244.

The son of Maguire, a leading man in Fine Gall, came after being
killed to a confessor of his. The cleric asked: ‘Do you, the dead,
get the benefit of a prayer that we may say quickly, and without
our mind in it for your benefit?’ Dixit anima:

1. ‘Though quick each clean bright hound hunting a deer on this
earth, quicker is the prayer here taking a soul from hell.’

2. ‘Though many the cries of the men of Ireland in the battle at
Magh Rath, three times more numerous are the lamentations in
hell when it is being stormed by prayer.’

3. ‘The constant singing of the psalms by turn and the clerics’ Beati,
much do the demons hate them though slowly they be sung or

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