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Equine Metabolic Syndrome Study

Equine Metabolic Syndrome Study

UCD’s Equine Clinical Studies Research group is conducting a study on Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) in Connemara ponies. This study will inform two PhD projects being conducted by students in the School, both supervised by Dr Vivienne Duggan. Ahmed Al Ansari is exploring the heritability and gut-related aspects of EMS while Emma Golding is looking at prevalence of the condition. They are seeking to enroll registered Connemara ponies who will receive either a basal insulin test or oral sugar test, depending on their management and whether they display signs associated with EMS. All blood samples will be taken by one of UCD’s equine vets but assistance with enrolling participants would be appreciated.

If you have any queries about the study or have multiple clients who might be interested, please feel free to contact (opens in a new window)vivienne.duggan@ucd.ie or (opens in a new window)ahmed.alansari@ucdconnect.ie. If you have clients who would like to enroll their ponies in the study directly they can contact (opens in a new window)emma.golding@ucd.ie

The study is open to registered Connemara ponies at least 5 years old with no history of either colic or ulcers requiring treatment. Ponies aged over 10 years will also receive an ACTH test free of charge.

Pictured are Ahmed Al Ansari and John Connick (4th year Veterinary Medicine student) during another study earlier this year.

Contact the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine

UCD Veterinary Sciences Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 6100 | Location Map(opens in a new window)