
Maintenance to e-resources will occur between 10pm and 7am this Fri and Sat, 26-27 April. Details

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Alert: access to e-resources

Our online resources access service will undergo essential maintenance this weekend, April 26-27.

See details of work and possible outages

Today is Poetry Day Ireland

Explore the Irish Poetry Reading Archive today and discover 1000+ readings by over 100 Irish poets.

Watch and listen on YouTube

This busy study season...

Please don't be a space hog! Take your belongings with you when you leave our libraries. Thank you.

Our study zones

Borrow our free noise-cancelling headsets

For use in the James Joyce Library.

Find details and how to borrow here

Library student guides

Do you have a library query? Look out for our new James Joyce Library student guides - here to answer your questions!

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