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BA International Modern Languages

BA International Modern Languages 

The BA International Modern Languages programme is a 240-credit undergraduate degree over 4 Stages.  You will take two languages, which you have already chosen on your CAO Form, and you when you go to register, you will find that you are already registered to these subjects and their core modules. 

As with the other BA degrees, you are expected to take 60 credits over the two trimesters of each academic session. You cannot attempt more than 40 credits in a single trimester.  Repeats and Resits will count towards your workload and if you are taking either remediation route during your studies.  It is important to seek academic advice from your School and College Office if you find you have too many modules to be completed overall.

College of Arts and Humanities

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
T: +353 1 716 7777