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Alternative Geographical Traditions research by Federico Ferretti fosters new international engagement

Saturday, 18 November, 2017

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Alternative Geographical Traditions research by Federico Ferretti fosters new international engagement

Saturday, 18 November, 2017

In the last thirty years, geography has been studied as a science which served European imperialism through maps, explorations, representations of the world centred on Europe. Now, new tendencies have highlighted the presence, in the history of geography, of authors who criticised racism, Euro-centrism and colonialism, considering geography as an instrument to foster “universal brotherhood” by allowing mutual knowledge and respect between different peoples and cultures. Mainly inspired by anarchism and by figures such as Elisée Reclus (1830-1905) and Pyotr Kropotkin (1842-1921), these authors are the object of new studies.

Dr. Federico Ferretti (UCD School of Geography) is one of the international leading figures of this research line, detailed in the newly published book (opens in a new window)Historical Geographies of Anarchism [https://www.routledge.com/Historical-Geographies-of-Anarchism-Early-Critical-Geographers-and-Present-Day/Ferretti-Barrera-de-la-Torre-Ince-Toro/p/book/9781138234246], and recently acknowledged as one of the most interesting research news by world-leading geography journals (opens in a new window)Progress in Human Geography [http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0309132517730939] and Transactions of the Institute of the British Geographers [(opens in a new window)http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/tran.12222/abstract].

Dr. Ferretti will present this work in two (opens in a new window)short courses for the Geography PhD School at the University of Oslo (20-24 November 2017) [https://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/iss/SGO9204/index.html] and at UNAM in Mexico (28 November – 5 December 2017), which will be the occasion to establish new international partnerships for the School of geography. Updates will follow on the website. 

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