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Irish Times article highlights important role of innovation in Battle Against COVID-19

Irish Times article highlights important role of innovation in Battle Against COVID-19

Sylvia Thompson of the Irish Times has highlighted the important role of innovation in the fight against COVID-19 in an  (opens in a new window)article published on the 12th of May. From face mask production to COVID-19 research the article highlights  UCD (amongst other third level institutions) key role in finding innovative solutions to the ongoing crisis. In particular the article highlights UCD's  (opens in a new window)production of face masks using 3D printing technologies which were then donated to health care workers and links to Environment & Science Editor Kevin O’Sullivan previous  (opens in a new window)article outlining UCD's recently funded study to develop and supply necessary reagents and materials for Sars-CoV-2 testing for hospitals in the  (opens in a new window)Ireland East Hospital Group. This project was awarded €540,000 – the highest-funded project of the 5 million euro fund Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation Heather Humphreys made available for COVID-19 research in Ireland. 
Further innovative projects by UCD and it's hospital partner IEHG in the battle against COVID-19 can be found in the following  article

UCD Health Affairs

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