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Prof Lynch interviewed about COVID-19 by College Tribune

Prof Lynch interviewed about COVID-19 by College Tribune

Vice Principal for Health Affairs and Chief Academic Officer of the I (opens in a new window)reland East Hospital Group  (opens in a new window)Professor Tim Lynch spoke with the  (opens in a new window)College Tribune in relation to the increase of COVID-19 cases in young people on July 17th.
Professor Lynch advised all students to ''act responsibly in the fight against COVID-19 – following government guidelines closely to reduce exposure to the virus, both for their own health and for the health of their loved ones.'' Professor Lynch also stressed the need for a National Biobank to ''store samples from people (young and old) with and without the virus to allow us to study the biology of the virus and plan for the second wave of infection in the Irish population.”
(opens in a new window)Professor Peter Doran (Head of the  UCD Clinical Research Centre and the Research Directorate at IEHG) echoed Professor Lynch's advice to students - warning there is a “clear” and potentially “devastating” health risk to young people posed by the virus.
Read up further on Professor Doran and Professor Lynch's advice to students in the  (opens in a new window)article on the College Tribune website

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T: +353 1 716 3481 | E: health.affairs@ucd.ie