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If you would like to join the network or if you have a query please email (opens in a new window)menu@ucd.ie 

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MENU Committee 

Role Name Country
Co-Chair/Events Officer Julia Janiszewska Poland
CoChair/Outreach Officer  Joanna Kozielec Poland
Engagement & Comms. Officer Licia Carlesi Italy
EDI Liaison Officer Joanna O'Keefe Poland
Communications Officer Clár Ní Bhuachalla Ireland
Treasurer Ulyana O'Neill Russia
Website & Digital Media Officer  Gisela Tuchszer Argentina
Secretary  Edna da Silva Brazil


The Committee meets quarterly with meetings generally held on campus at lunchtime. In addition to these meetings, MENU organise informal get-togethers to celebrate cultural events in UCD, as well as regular coffee mornings.