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Brightspace ePortfolio Setup

The Brightspace ePortfolio is an embedded portfolio tool within the UCD virtual learning environment. It allows one to collate and present materials over the duration of a module, programme and beyond.

Found under Module Tools in the navigation menu, the ePortfolio invites users to reflect, create or upload content. In so doing, users are able to add tags to distinguish and retrieve content.

There are two key tools to enable one to begin managing this content:Brightspace Portfolio Setup

  1. The New Showcase tab is a means to gather materials in a series of html slides. This tool is ideal for sharing content with peers, mentors and instructors. It may also enable one to provide an illustration of content in support of an assignment.
  2. The New Collection tab will provide the learner with the ability to collate materials under a chosen theme or topic in addition to the tags.  This may also be representative of a module or programme requirements/criteria as provided by the instructor/module co-ordinator.

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