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3D Tumour Models

Traditionally, 2D cell cultures have been used as the gold standard in vitro model in cancer research. Although inexpensive and relatively easy to generate and maintain, they do not accurately reflect the solid tumour characteristics and the complex cross-talk between tumour cells and their microenvironment. This has led to persistent failure in translating preclinical drug candidates into successful clinical treatments.

3dtumourmodels Diagram

Recently there has been increasing interest in 3D models for cancer as they more closely reflect the phenotypic behaviour of original tumours than conventional 2D cell cultures. This is particularly important for sarcomas, like osteosarcoma, as growth rates, cell morphology, cell–cell junctions, and kinase activation of spheroids have previously been shown to closely mimic those of primary tumours. Our lab has developed a multicellular 3D spheroid model of osteosarcoma which can model early and late-stage osteosarcoma. Our lab is now interested in increasing the complexity of this model through the incorporation of immune cells.