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Featured One Health Publications

Embracing the Monsters

A comment on the merits of transitioning from containing to curating the diverse microbial environments in and around us.

Protective immunity against TB in free-living badger population

In a 3-year field study in Co. Kildare vaccination of badgers with Mycobacterium bovis Calmette-Guerin (BCG) has been shown to have an indirect protective effect on non-vaccinated badgers leading to a high level of population immunity

Comparative Anatomy and One Health

A comprehensive review of a symposium organized as part of the 19th IFAA Congress to investigate the scope of One Health concepts and comparative anatomy in contemporary medical education

Research on antimicrobial resistance from UCD School of History

Quantitative and qualitative approaches used to review 75 years of international policy reports on AMR

New comparative oncology review in the journal Pharmaceuticals

A new review published by UCD's Comparative Oncology group discusses malignant melanoma in humans, dogs and horses.

Researchers reveal disease mechanism of the bovine TB pathogen

New research from the lab of Professor Stephen Gordon, School of Veterinary Medicine, looks at the key disease mechanism of the bovine TB pathogen published in PLoS Pathogens

Seals as One Health sentinels in the study of AMR

A new study from One Health UCD researchers discusses how marine mammals may be considered good sentinels for human, animal and environmental health due to their long lifespan, coastal habitat, and characteristics as top chain predators.

New comparative oncology research from the McCann lab

One Health biologists and vets work together to learn more about treating cancer in both humans and companion animals

Books with a One Health theme

Dr Claas Kirchhelle, UCD School of History, is a historian of biomedical sciences and has published books on a number of important One Health themes

Contact One Health UCD

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: onehealth@ucd.ie