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Work Packages

Reconnect Workpackages

Work Package 1: Assessment of the effectiveness of desk-based mapping techniques to locate river obstacles.

Work Package 2: Mapping and characterisation of obstacles and production of a geo-referenced layer.

Work Package 3: Testing of feasibility  to use eDNA to assess impacts of obstacles on fish and macroinvertebrates.

Work Package 4: Assessment of the impact of obstacles on fish, macroinvertebrates and macrophytes.

Work Package 5: Characterisation of the hydromorphological context for obstacle emplacement.

Work Package 6: Evaluation of tools to predict effects of obstacles on hydromorphology.

Work Package 7: Economic analyses of the impact of obstacle removal/modification and of different mitigation measures.

Work Package 8: Production of a validated multi-criteria decision support tool to facilitate practical management decisions.