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Advisory Board

At an institutional level, the Centre is governed by the UCD Research Institutes’ Sub-Committee (RISC), the University Management Team (UMT), the Finance, Remuneration & Asset Management Committee (FRAMC), Academic Council and, ultimately, the Governing Authority of University College Dublin. 

The role of the Advisory Board is to monitor the activities and progress of the Centre and to ensure it is operating in line with expectations and best practice. The Advisory Board assesses the input of the Executive Committee of the Centre. It is also responsible for ensuring the strategic plan of the Centre has the appropriate objectives, goals, indicators and targets against which performance can be clearly measured. The Advisory Board convenes once a year. The Executive Committee is the decision-making body with overall responsibility for advising the Director on the Centre’s management and operations. The Executive Committee meets monthly and is responsible for leadership, policy, strategy, resource allocation, performance monitoring and conflict resolution. The Executive Committee is led by the Dean of Law, Professor Colin Scott.