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Ugur Ümit Üngör

Ugur Ümit Üngör

Dr U?ur Ümit Üngör was an ERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UCD in 2009-2010. He is now working as an Assistant Professor at (opens in a new window)Universiteit Utrecht and the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies. He is mainly interested in the historical sociology of mass violence, and the Armenian and Rwandan genocides in particular. His research on the 'Limits of Demobilization' projectconcerned the relationship between violence, victimization, and vengeance in the late Ottoman Empire. It focused on transnational processes of collective revanchism that developed out of traumatic memories in the Balkans, Anatolia, and the Caucasus.

Dr Üngör's most recent publications include, Confiscation and Destruction: The Young Turk Seizure of Armenian Property (Continuum, 2011) and the award-winning The Making of Modern Turkey: Nation and State in Eastern Anatolia, 1913-1950 (OUP, 2011). For his work, he has been awarded the 2010 Erasmus Research Prize (Praemium Erasmianum) and the Keetje Hodshon Prize by the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities. In 2012 Dr Üngör was awarded the Young Scientist Award by the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences.

Email: (opens in a new window)u.ungor@uu.nl

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UCD Centre for War Studies

School of History and Archives,, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8608