Circuits & Systems
Our goal is to perform research that is fundamental and analytical in nature, applied to a portfolio of nonlinear circuits and systems with applications in areas such as sensing, energy harvesting, power management and communications. By applying fundamental methods of nonlinear analysis, circuit theory and stability theory we develop an understanding of the complex behaviour of these systems, and apply that understanding to control and exploit this behaviour in useful ways.

Featured Publication: Electrostatic kinetic energy harvesting, P. Basset, E. Blokhina, D. Galayko
Harvesting kinetic energy is a good opportunity to power wireless sensor in a vibratory environment. Besides classical methods based on electromagnetic and piezoelectric mechanisms, electrostatic transduction has a great perspective in particular when dealing with small devices based on MEMS technology. This book describes in detail the principle of such capacitive Kinetic Energy Harvesters based on a spring-mass system. Specific points related to the design and operation of kinetic energy harvesters (KEHs) with a capacitive interface are presented in detail: advanced studies on their nonlinear features, typical conditioning circuits and practical MEMS fabrication.