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Belfield - Dart (Sydney Parade) Shuttle Service

A shuttle bus service between UCD and Sydney Parade Dart Station operates between the hours of 8am to 10am, and from 4pm to 6pm.This service will operate Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays. There will be a charge of €1 per trip, payable to driver.On campus buses will depart from the O’Reilly Hall car park, adjacent to the School of Veterinary Sciences Centre.


Monday – Friday
Departing Dart station (Sydney Parade):
Morning: 08:00,08:30,09:00,09:30,10:00,
Afternoon: 16:15,16:45,17:15,18:10

Departing UCD:
Morning: 08:15,08:45,09:15,09:45,10:10
Afternoon: 16:00,16:30,17:00,17:30,18:00

Contact Estate Services

UCD Village, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7000 | E: estates@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)