

Research Group











Welcome to the NanoPhotonics Research Group.

Our research centres on studing nanoscale light-matter interaction processes. We are currently engaged in the design of new optically active nanostructures and the characterisation and understanding of their physical properties. An important aspect of our work is applying our research to developing device technologies. We currently are applying our work to optical emitting device devlopment for sensing and diagnostics.

For more information, click on the links in the sidebar or contact


Group news

Sawsans paper has been accepted by J. Phys Chem. Letters on all organic substrate designs

Group gave two invited talks at EMRs in Lille. Well done to Rosa gave a presentation on single molecule observation using plasmonic arrays and Aisling gave a talk on active nano microscale organic waveguide systems

Nebras has been invited to give a presentation on single molecule imaging as SPIE nanophotonics

Work published in APL centering on dynamic strong coupling using active plasmonic nanomaterials and excitonic organic hybrid systems

Signa and Harsha have been awarded PhDs, well done

Manal Hakami and Sarah-Olabisi Oladapo undertook their MSc research on bio nano and micro-structured optical materials

Brazil goverment supported Science With Out Borders student Jean Matias is undertaking research on single quantum dot emitters

Dr Rice chaired the 2nd Nanospectroscopy conference held in UCD Dublin

Eamonn Kennedy completes his viva on optical nanoscopy, and is now undertaking research in the univeristy of Notra Dame in bionanotech.

Sawsan Almohammed begines this year a PhD with our group and with the group of Dr Rodriguez on self assembled bio nanostructures.

Published work on thermal treatments on the residual stress of polycrystalline diamond with colleagues in the group of Mechanical Engineering and Materials research group of Prof Ivankovic

Published with Dr Kelly of the School of Math's work on the behaviour of signle quantum dot emitters in conducting environments.

Published work woth Dr Pollard (Queens Belfast, Centre for Nanostructured Media) and Dr Dowling of the School of Chem Eng work on plasmon enhanced emission using aligned nanorod substrates modified with nanosized coatings