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Childhood dietary inflammation and obesity

Tuesday, 16 November, 2021

Childhood dietary inflammation and obesity

This project will examine predictors of childhood dietary inflammation (using the recently developed child dietary inflammatory index (C-DII)) and its relationship with childhood weight status. Using existing datasets from the ALPHABET consortium (~20,000 child-mother pairs) we will assess prospective associations between C-DII scores and childhood weight status during early, mid- and late childhood in each of the 7 ALPHABET cohorts, followed by random effects meta-analysis. Next, we will examine associations between potential predictors of the C-DII (familial, socioeconomic, diet, lifestyle behaviours) and risk of having a more pro-inflammatory childhood diet. Led by Dr Catherine Phillips this project is funded by the Biostime Institute of Nutrition and Care, Geneva.

Contact National Nutrition Surveillance Centre

UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy & Sports Science, Woodview House, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 3421 | E: nnsc@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)