UCD Quality Office
About the UCD Quality Office
UCD is a dynamic community of students, scholars and staff committed to performing at the highest standards. The University's aim is to provide a stimulating and innovative environment for teaching, learning and research. The University assures the quality of its teaching, learning, research and service delivery through a range of quality mechanisms including a periodic review and improvement process. The UCD Quality Office is a unit within the UCD Office of the Registrar and Vice-President for Academic Affairs which provides advice and assistance to staff and units undertaking quality review. Under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act (2012), Irish universities are required to establish formal quality review procedures. The UCD Quality Office ensures that UCD meets its statutory obligations and is aligned with relevant national and international Higher Education Quality Frameworks, including the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) Core Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines. The University operates an integrated system for quality assurance and enhancement, as outlined in the UCD Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement Policy. The UCD Quality Office prepares an Annual Institutional Report on Quality which is considered by the Academic Council Quality Enhancement Committee (ACQEC), Academic Council and the Governing Authority. |
Office 130
UCD Tierney Building
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Tel. +353 (0)1 7161036
Email. (opens in a new window)qualityoffice@ucd.ie
UCD Quality Office staff:
Ms. Bronwyn Molony UCD Director of Quality +353 (0)1 716 1052 bronwyn.molony@ucd.ie |
Ms. Marita Porter UCD Deputy Director of Quality +353 (0)1 716 1042 marita.porter@ucd.ie |
Ms. Adrienne Wilson Quality Assurance Officer +353 (0)1 716 1046 adrienne.wilson@ucd.ie |
Mr. Michael Kennedy Senior Quality Officer +353 (0)1 716 7540 michael.e.kennedy@ucd.ie |
Ms. Gloria Pia Malandra Executive Assistant +353 (0)1 716 1036 gloria.malandra@ucd.ie |
Ms. Claire Fogarty Administrative Officer +353 (0)1 716 1062 claire.fogarty@ucd.ie |
Mr. Martin Cunningham Senior Executive Assistant +353 (0)1 716 1036 martin.cunningham1@ucd.ie |
Mr. Paul Masterson Senior Executive Assistant +353 (0) 716 1072 paul.masterson@ucd.ie |
Mr. James Costello Administrative Officer james.costelloe2@ucd.ie |
The main functions and responsibilities of the office include:
- To assist the University in fulfilling the requirements of the QQI Core Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines (2016); the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (2015); and the Qualifications and Quality Assurance Act (2012)
- To develop and keep under review: the UCD Quality Assurance/Quality Enhancement Policy; Periodic Quality Review processes and procedures for schools and support units; and other quality related processes
- To monitor and review the quality framework of UCD's linked providers and other core UCD collaborative and transnational taught provision
- In consultation with the College Principals and University Officers, to develop a rolling 6-8 year plan for the review of academic and support units in the University
- To advise and assist academic and support units undergoing Quality Review
- In consultation with Co-ordinating committees and the ACQEC, to confirm the members of the Review Groups, and organise site visits
- To advise reviewed units on the preparation of Quality Improvement Plans, and monitor the implementation of these plans
- To assist the Academic Council Quality Enhancement Committee (ACQEC) in its role of developing and fostering a quality culture in all UCD's activities and enhancing quality assurance processes
- To advise the ACQEC of national and international developments in quality assurance and quality enhancement
- To advise the University Management Team (UMT) on quality issues
- To prepare an annual report to the UCD Governing Authority
- To assist with the preparation of annual reports for external bodies, e.g. QQI
- To assist the institution in its preparations for external Institutional Quality Review

The Academic Council Quality Enhancement Committee (ACQEC) is responsible, on behalf of Academic Council, for those elements of the University Quality Assurance Framework identified in its Terms of Reference, as it relates to all types and levels of study within the University including related professional supports and services. The Committee acts as a planning forum for the discussion and promotion of developments in HE Quality Assurance within the institution, whether internally or externally driven. Oversight and responsibility for quality assurance and quality enhancement in UCD is distributed throughout the UCD Governance and Management Committees.