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Continue to build our engagement locally, nationally and internationally.

To fulfil our mission of contributing to the flourishing of Ireland and the world, we will continue to build our engagement at all levels. This engagement is important both for the impact we have outside the university, but also in ensuring that our students’ learning is informed by deep engagement with local and global society, and our research is both informed by and relevant to wider society. Over the period of this strategy we will deepen this engagement.

We will create a truly global experience for our UCD community, ensuring global character is embedded in all aspects of institutional activity. Opportunities will be provided for staff and students to avail of mobility initiatives, both virtually and physically. This will support the development of intercultural competencies and enhance capacity to actively contribute in a globally focused world.  Through our activities we will encourage cultural curiosity and sensitivity in our community of students, faculty, staff, alumni and partners. 

We have developed a robust framework to identify, develop and manage global partnerships, and through this framework we will select a discrete number of UCD priority partners who will share our ambition to deliver impact on UCD’s four strategic themes. We will develop new collaborative links and pursue opportunities in transnational education to support and expand our global community of learners.

UCD will continue its successful programme of building holistic major strategic partnerships with industry and other organisations, obtaining mutual benefit through engaging in structured way. We will consolidate our existing major partnerships and build further partnerships where there is mutual interest, enabling us to maximise our impact on society, and augmenting our student experience and researcher engagement. We will link the subject knowledge and expertise of our faculty to the training and development needs of our partners in industry, public service, and in community organisations with customised educational offerings.

Our alumni, who are in almost every nation of the world, are an important part of our UCD community. Over the term of this strategy, we will further connect with, inform, empower and mobilise our alumni to become involved in support of the wider University, so that they actively contribute to our growth and development, whilst also ensuring they find value and relevance in UCD. We will strengthen the links of our University community by matching the ambition of our students with the experience of our alumni by extending our mentorship programmes. We will implement global best practices in our alumni relations programmes in volunteer management, tailored events, digital communication and outreach, fundraising opportunities, and by growing the number of alumni chapter networks globally. By engaging students before they join the alumni community in meaningful ways, we will grow a valuable exchange between alumni and students which will lead to more engaged new alumni and help them with their future success.

We will build on our long and proud tradition of staff and students contributing to the needs of society, nationally and internationally. We will leverage our Employee Volunteering Policy, that allows employees to allocate work time to engage in volunteering, increasing the number staff who engage with our community in this way. We will further develop our UCD Community Charity Partner model, through which the University provides additional support to a specific charity. Through the UCD in the Community initiative, we will continue to connect UCD employees and students with the wider community for mutual benefit, and in exchange, empowering the UCD community as socially aware, global citizens. We will grow the UCD Advantage co-curricular awards scheme and ensure it is available to all students. We will expand service-based learning and co-curricular learning opportunities, and/or to put their skills and expertise to use in community-based projects.

UCD Strategy

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777