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UCD Plant Phenotyping Facility

The Irish Roots and Soil Imaging Facility consists of a large capacity X-ray CT scanner which uses X-rays taken from multiple angles to non-destructively build-up a 3D image of whole plants, both above and below ground with fast (minutes) scan times. The scan resolution ranges between tens and hundreds of microns for samples ranging in total overall size of between 5 mm and 15 cm diameter.

High-spec image analysis PCs with VG StudioMAX software licences are available for visiting researchers to use. For destructive sampling of roots, WinRHIZO scanning equipment and software is available.

Contact the UCD Rosemount Environmental Research Station

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 2115 +353 1 716 2401 | E: Rosemount@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)