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Research Topics

On this page we provide an overview of the main research topics focused on by the group. Click the links for more information on each topic.

Atomistic bio-nano interfaces

Atomistic modelling of the interaction between individual molecules and nanoparticle surfaces through molecular dynamics

Protein-nanoparticle adsorption

Coarse-grained simulations of the adsorption of proteins and other large biomolecules to nanoparticles.

Corona Modelling

Ultra-coarse-grained models of the formation of the biomolecular corona surrounding a nanoparticle over long periods of time.

Machine Learning

Modern deep-learning techniques used to extend and accelerate the study of bionano interfaces.

Collective Behaviour

Modelling of dynamic self-organisation in complex systems: flocking, opinion dynamics

Contact the Soft Matter Modelling Group

UCD Physics Beech Hill, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.