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Making Belfield – Space and Place
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Making Belfield – Space and Place

(opens in a new window)Belfield 50 marks the five decades since University College Dublin transferred its administration and the faculties of Arts, Commerce and Law from Earlsfort Terrace to join Science on the Belfield campus. To celebrate this special anniversary, alumna and professor in the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy, Finola O’Kane, along with architectural historian, Ellen Rowley, have written and designed this beautifully designed book. It focuses on the campus’ evolution since the late 1960s, and explicitly since 1970.

For the past generation or more, the original Belfield masterplan by Andrzej Wejchert has not been analysed or appreciated, and public opinion has often misunderstood the architecture as a ‘concrete jungle’.

The book ‘Making Belfield’ examines the architecture from an academic perspective, to focus on the origins and importance of UCD’s architecture, collections and libraries, and also, to raise awareness of the excellence of the Belfield campus and its original architectural components.

The essays will evoke memories of Belfield and of time spent there in the various spaces and places and will give the reader a deeper understanding of the place that has shaped so many.

Order Making Belfield directly from UCD Press by clicking (opens in a new window)here.

Alumni can avail of a special rate of €25 including postage (RRP €40) by emailing (opens in a new window)ucdpress@ucd.ie directly.

For more details on the launch of the Belfield 50 outdoor exhibitions, click here.

UCD Alumni Relations

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1447 | E: alumni@ucd.ie

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