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UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Newsletter is now out (posted 24/03/16)

A first edition of the School’s newsletter has been issued this week.  It features the most prominent events from the School’s life in 2015. 

A brief welcome from the Head of School Gary McGuire is followed by the highlights of ongoing research, academic and social activities in the UCD  School of Mathematics and Statistics. The newsletter was sent to all our past and present students and staff.

Read the full newsletter here:  (opens in a new window)http://us12.campaign-archive1.com/?u=8dff1107b9ebb59dbf77855b1&id=2504bca1ee   

To subscribe to the future issues of the Newsletter: (opens in a new window)http://ucd.us12.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=8dff1107b9ebb59dbf77855b1&id=f4fde4cd84

UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics

Room S3.04, Science Centre South, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.