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e Thesis System

The eThesis Examination system was developed to facilitate the ONLINE processing of research theses: from initial submission, through the examination process, to Academic Council Committee on Examinations (ACCE) decision; resulting in the student being conferred with an Award.

(opens in a new window)New - eThesis Zoom one to one Drop-in Clinics
UCD eThesis Support will be hosting live one-to-one drop in zoom clinics ahead of the next thesis fee submission date on 8 May 2024.

The team will be available over zoom to offer one-to-one support for those going through the Graduate Research eThesis Submission Process. The drop in zoom clinics are open to students, faculty and support staff. Anyone interested can drop in at any point on the following dates and times: To Be Confirmed 

Date   Time
Friday 26 April   



Monday 29 April   



Tuesday 30 April   



Wednesday 1 May   



Thursday 2 May  



Friday 3 May  



Tuesday 7 May   



To drop into a session and meet with a member of the Assessment team please log into the below link:

(opens in a new window)Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 614 6127 0733
Passcode: 244797

What is Research Repository UCD (RRU)? 
(opens in a new window)Research Repository UCD (RRU) is a digital collection of open access scholarly publications from University College Dublin. Managed by UCD Library, the repository collects, preserves and makes freely available a wide range of publications created by UCD researchers. These include peer-reviewed articles, working papers and conference papers. 

UCD is a signatory to the (opens in a new window)National Principles for Open Access and all research degree theses completed at the university are expected to be made publicly available as soon as possible following the award of a degree. This allows the University to demonstrate the quality of its research and the rigour of its research degree programmes. Therefore, the default position of the university is to not place an embargo on a research thesis.

Further information available at (opens in a new window)https://researchrepository.ucd.ie/

What are the benefits of hosting your thesis on Research Repository UCD (RRU)?
• Maximises timely dissemination of your research to a global academic audience.
• Increases the visibility of your research.
• Enhances its discoverability through Google Scholar.
• Increases the impact of your research as evidenced by increased citation rates.
• Showcases your own research and that of your School.
• Enhances UCD’s reputation and international standing.

What happens to your electronic thesis once it is hosted on Research Repository UCD (RRU)? 
In line with UCD's Intellectual Property Policy your electronic thesis is deposited in the (opens in a new window)University Repository (RRU) via eThesis system. Your thesis will become publicly available to download, unless embargoed. Once in the RRU it is assigned a persistent identifier which allows for easy discoverability. In depositing your work in the RRU the author(s), copyright owner or assignee, grant a worldwide non-exclusive, royalty free, irrevocable, perpetual licence to UCD to make the work available online via the UCD repository and to translate the work to any medium or format for the purpose of preservation or accessibility within the confines of the (opens in a new window)Copyright and Related Rights Act, 2000. The electronic copy of your e-thesis, when available online, will be subject to the terms of use permitted by the specified (opens in a new window)licence.

How does the thesis transfer to the RRU?
Theses submitted for examination after 13 September 2021 
Following ACCE approval of the degree award, any thesis submitted through the University’s eThesis Exam system after 13 September 2021 will automatically transfer to the RRU, unless embargoed.

Theses submitted for examination before 13 September 2021 
Following ACCE approval of the degree award, any thesis submitted through the eThesis Exam system prior to 13 September 2021 can be transferred to the RRU with the student’s written permission. You can email (opens in a new window)acce@ucd.ie to give permission for the thesis transfer.

When is my electronic thesis transferred to the RRU, making it publicly available to download?
Your electronic thesis is automatically transferred to the RRU 2-3 working days after ACCE approve your award recommendation, unless embargoed. Therefore this transfer to the RRU takes place before you confer. If embargoed, only the title and the abstract of a thesis will appear in the RRU. The full text of the thesis will become available for public view when the embargo period expires.

What is a thesis embargo?
A thesis embargo will delay the release of a thesis to the RRU for a specific period. Once embargoed, only the title and the abstract of a thesis will appear in the RRU. The full text of the thesis will become available for public view when the embargo period expires. See Graduate Studies webpages for Thesis Embargo information

How is an embargo set up?
An embargo can be set up through application to the Graduate Research Board (GRB). A Research Thesis Embargo request form can be accessed via the GRB webpages. The form is completed and submitted following preparation of supporting documentation and discussion with your Supervisor.

To seek an embargo on a research thesis, evidence must be provided that the research thesis contains personal, security or commercially sensitive information or the thesis contains material intended for future publication and the publishers specifically require that the thesis is restricted.

Once the embargo has been approved, the GRB will enter the embargo details on the eThesis Exam system record.

Do students still need to submit a hard-bound copy of the thesis if it is being hosted on the RRU?
Yes. A UCD research degree award requires candidates to submit a final hard-bound copy of the thesis to the UCD Student Desk. This is an archival/preservation copy which will be held in closed store in the Library. See the section on Hardbound Thesis Information (Graduate Research Degrees) on the ACCE website for further details.

Q: What is a thesis embargo and how is an application made?
A: Should the author of their research thesis wish to delay its online dissemination via the  (opens in a new window)RRU  for a valid reason an application for an embargo can be made to the University  Graduate Research Board Please note that an embargo on a thesis is normally sought three months in advance of the expected thesis submission date. Discuss with your supervisor if an embargo is required.
Q: I am trying to upload my thesis to the eThesis System but my status has switched to Alumni so I can only see the Alumni Portal. What do I do?
A: Click on 'quick links' in the top right hand corner of the Alumni Portal and select SISweb and begin the thesis upload process.
Q: I’m getting a message in the My Thesis and Supervisors section of my SISWeb when I try to upload my Thesis: 
You must pay the required fees to submit your thesis
What should I do?
A: Contact the Student Desk or your Supervisor for assistance

Q:  I’m getting a message in the My Thesis and Supervisors section of my SISWeb when I try to upload my Thesis:
"Awaiting Governing Board programme compliance approval for examination"
What should I do?
A: Contact the Graduate Research Board (opens in a new window)grb@ucd.ie for assistance
Q: I’m getting a message in the My Thesis and Supervisors section of my SISWeb when I try to upload my Thesis:  
"Awaiting Supervisor sign-off before thesis may be submitted"
What should I do?
A: Contact your supervisor for assistance

Q: I keep getting an error message when I try to submit my thesis on the ethesis form, what do I do?
A: Ensure that you have not exceeded the character limits in the text boxes on the online form. The limits are located in the bottom right corner of the text boxes. If there is an error saving the form it is recommended to copy the text into this web site and ensure the byte value is less than or equal to the 4000 character limit: https://mothereff.in/byte-counter
A: The filename for the thesis you are uploading could be too long

Q: What do I do if I submit my thesis and I have uploaded an incorrect document?
A: Your supervisor can reject the uploaded document, which will then allow you to upload the correct document i.e the version of your thesis your supervisor agreed to be uploaded for examination. 
Please ensure this is done ahead of your thesis fee submission deadline. Only one upload is allowed and only under exceptional circumstances can a different version be uploaded after the deadline has passed.

Q: Will I be charged additional fees if I submit an incorrect document and have to upload again, or if my supervisor is not available to accept the uploaded thesis for examination? 
A:  The date and time on which you first submit your thesis will be taken as your submission date, even if your supervisor is not available to approve it for examination. It is recommended that you engage with your supervisor in advance of submission to agree a timeline so that this situation does not occur. If the supervisor does not provide you with confirmation to upload your eThesis, then you will incur additional fees until confirmation is provided. Students can apply for extenuating circumstances. Consult with the School and Graduate Research Boardto apply. 

Q: I am trying to submit my eThesis but there is no submit button.
A: Check your registration is correct and up to date. You can review your registration in the UView section ofSISWeb.

Q: What is the latest time I can upload my thesis on the day of the thesis fee submission deadline without incurring any fees?
A: Once you are eligible to submit, you can upload your thesis up until one minute to midnight (23:59) on the day of the thesis fee submission deadline. eThesis support will be available until 5pm on deadline day so please endeavour to upload your thesis in advance of 5pm in case you encounter any issues and require support from the eThesis team. Please refer to the thesis fee submission schedule for details.

Q: What if my supervisor will not allow me to submit my thesis?
A: As per Academic Regulations 7.56 a) your supervisor must approve submission of your thesis for examination and will only do this if in agreement that it is ready for examination. If you are of the opinion that your supervisor is unreasonably withholding permission for thesis submission, you may make an appeal to your Head of School.

Q: After my thesis has been accepted for examination, can I replace it and resubmit it if I notice an error?
A: You can only upload your thesis once, even if there is time left before the thesis fee submission deadline. This must be the version for examination, as agreed with your supervisor. And once your thesis has been submitted and accepted by your supervisor, it cannot be withdrawn as per Academic Regulations 7.57

Q: How do I get supplemental material that should accompany my thesis to my Examination Committee? e.g. maps, data, etc  
A: All material should be contained in the one PDF that is uploaded to the eThesis Exam system. Supplemental information can be in the appendices at the end of the document. (opens in a new window)See tutorial on how to merge your Word documents. The School is responsible for ensuring the Examiners have access to the material that cannot be included in the appendix.

Q: How long will my thesis be retained in the eThesis Exam system after my degree has been awarded?
A: Your thesis will be automatically (opens in a new window)transferred to the RRU (unless embargoed) where it becomes freely available to view and download. The version contained in the eThesis Exam system will be retained in line with UCD Registry’s retention guidelines (normally 13 months - currently under review), after which time it will be removed from the system.

Q: How can I track the progress of my eThesis?
A: The eThesis Exam system will update the status as it progresses through the examination process so that you can keep track of the progress. Log on to UView onSISwebto review this.  

Q: What if I have extenuating circumstances that prohibit me from submitting my thesis?
A: Your supervisor/School should be your first point of contact as they will be able to provide you with guidance on the most appropriate action relevant to your situation. Your School can request an extension to your submission deadline due to exceptional circumstances.

Q: What if I have extenuating circumstances preventing me from attending my viva voce?
A: Contact the Chair of your Exam Committee to reschedule.

Q: How does the examiner overseeing the revisions submit a sign-off form for me?
A: There is no traditional sign-off form needed in the eThesis Exam system. The revisions and final version will first be overseen and agreed outside the system. Then, you must upload the final revised version onto the eThesis Exam system and the examiner approves this version online.  

Q: How do I see the revisions needed after examination?
Revisions do not come through the eThesis Exam system. The Chair and their nominee will contact you separately from the ethesis system to provide you with the revisions required. Then, you must upload the final revised version onto the eThesis Exam system and the examiner approves this version online.

Q: What if the Exam Committee is not in place when I submit?
A: Your supervisor can permit you to upload your thesis to the exam system, and you can still submit your thesis. However, your supervisor will not be able to approve the thesis for examination until after the Exam Committee has been approved. Your School Office and your supervisor will receive an email once your exam committee has been approved.
It is important that your supervisor returns to My Graduate Research Students to approve the thesis for examination when the Exam Committee is in place. You will receive an automated email when your supervisor has completed this task.
Q: Who should I contact for support if I require it?
A: Your supervisor/School should be your first point of contact.

Please see the Hardbound Thesis Information (Graduate Research Degrees) section on our Assessment ACCE Webpage for further details.

Contact the Student Desk

Ground Floor, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)
