Creating Our Future
Creating Our Future
The UCD AI Healthcare Hub in association with the UCD Institute for Discovery, UCD ConwaySPHERE, and Thrombosis Ireland cordially invites you to attend an outdoor brainstorming session to discuss thrombotic disorders and women’s health
as part of Creating Our Future campaign.
Lots of ideas logged at our campaign
Cupcakes awarded for every logged idea..!
Date: 11 th November 2021 at 10 am – 12 pm
Format: Outdoor in person event with a free tea/coffee and cupcake for every idea
Where: Outside James Joyce library in UCD
Did you know that 1 in 20 people will get a blood clot in their lifetime?
The choices we make about hormonal birth control, HRT, pregnancy, going into hospital, cancer treatments or long flights may increase the risk of developing dangerous blood clots.
(opens in a new window)Creating Our Future is a Government of Ireland campaign to stimulate a national conversation that generates ideas from the public to inform the direction of research in Ireland. It is an opportunity for everyone in Ireland to give ideas on how to make our country better for all. From science, the environment, health, and education to poverty, the arts, diversity, and inclusion - all ideas are welcome that can inspire researchers to help make a better future for Ireland.
As part of Creating our Future campaign, we are hosting an outdoor awareness tea and coffee morning to discuss thrombotic disorders and women’s health.
Do you have an opinion on what should be researched in the area of Thrombosis? Join us for a cupcake and tell us how you think the future of research in women's health and blood clots should go?
Submit your ideas and get yourself a tea/coffee and cupcake.
(opens in a new window)Link to "Creating Our future"
(opens in a new window)Link to SFI
(opens in a new window)Link to Thrombosis Ireland
Link to "Institute of discovery" and "AI for Healthcare Hub"