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Selected IBIS Publications

John Coakley

John Coakley and Jennifer Todd (2019 December) Negotiating Settlement in Northern Ireland 1969-2019. Oxford University Press.

John Coakley and J. Todd (contributing co-editors) (2014) Breaking Patterns of Conflict in Northern Ireland: The British and Irish States. London: Routledge.

David Farrell 

David Farrell (2019) John Dryzek, André Bächtiger, Simone Chambers, Joshua Cohen, James Druckman, Andrea Felicetti, James Fishkin, David Farrell, Archon Fung, Amy Gutmann, Hélène Landemore, Jane Mansbridge, Sofie Marien, Michael Neblo, Simon Niemeyer, Maija Setälä, Rune Slothuus, Jane Suiter, Dennis Thompson, Mark E. Warren, (opens in a new window)The Crisis of Democracy and the Science of Deliberation, Science. 363 (March 2019), pp. 1144-46.

David Farrell, Jane Suiter, Clodagh Harris, Kevin Cunningham (2019), ‘(opens in a new window)The effects of mixed membership in a deliberative forum: The Irish Constitutional Convention of 2012-14’, Political Studies.

David Farrell, Jane Suiter, Clodagh Harris, Kevin Cunningham (2019) ‘Ireland’s deliberative mini-publics’, in David Farrell and Niamh Hardiman (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

David Farrell, Jane Suiter, Clodagh Harris, (2018) ‘“(opens in a new window)Systematizing” constitutional deliberation: The 2016-18 citizens’ assembly in Ireland’, Irish Political Studies.

David Farrell, Clodagh Harris and Jane Suiter, (2017) ‘Bringing people into the heart of constitutional design: The Irish Constitutional Convention’, in Xenophon Contiades and Alkmene Fotiadou, (eds), Participatory Constitutional Change: The People as Amenders of the Constitution. London: Routledge.

Jane Suiter, David Farrell and Eoin O’Malley, (2016) ‘(opens in a new window)When do deliberative citizens change their opinions? Evidence from an Irish citizens’ assembly’, International Political Science Review. 37 (2): 198-212.

David Farrell, Eoin O’Malley and Jane Suiter, (2013) ‘(opens in a new window)Deliberative democracy in action Irish-style: the 2011 We the Citizens pilot citizens’ assembly’, Irish Political Studies 28: 99-113.

Paul Gillespie

Paul Gillespie (2021) '(opens in a new window)The Irish-British dimension’, in David Farrell and Niamh Hardiman eds. The Oxford Handbook of Irish Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Paul Gillespie (2021) 'Political trust as a condition of political cooperation on Northern Ireland Protocol’, Journal of Cross-Border Studies, Vol.16, September 2021, pp.15-41.

Working Group on Unification Referendums on the Island of Ireland, (opens in a new window)Final Report, Working Party on Unification Referendums on the Island of Ireland, Constitution Unit, University College London, May 2021 available at: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/constitution-unit/sites/constitution-unit/files/working_group_final_report.pdf (member)

Paul Gillespie, John Garry, Roland Gjoni & Brendan O’Leary, (2021) 'Public Attitudes to Irish Unification: Evidence on Models and Process from a Deliberative Forum in Ireland’, forthcoming.

Paul Gillespie (2021) '(opens in a new window)Europe and the Indo-Pacific concept’, in Asia and Europe in the 21st Century, New Anxieties, New Opportunities, Rahul Mishra, Azirah Hashim, Anthony Milner eds. London: Routledge 2021.

Paul Gillespie (2020) '(opens in a new window)Unionisms in the UK’s Brexit crisis’, Irish Political Studies, 35:3, pp.509-53.

Paul Gillespie (2019) 'Irish media discourse on Europe: the search for a wider horizon’, in Gisela Holfter and Bettina Migge eds. Ireland in the European Eye, Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, pp.415-441

Melanie Hoewer

Melanie Hoewer (2015) (opens in a new window)Reframing Nationalisms and Addressing Gender-based Violence in Societies in Transition. Ethnopolitics 14:3.

Melanie Hoewer (2014) (opens in a new window)Connecting Boundary Processes During Episodes of Mobilization and Demobilization: Transforming identity in Chiapas and in Northern Ireland, Springer.

Melanie Hoewer (2013) Women, Violence, and Social Change in Northern Ireland and Chiapas: Societies Between Tradition and Transition. International Journal of Conflict and Violence 7(2):216-231.

Melanie Hoewer (2013) (opens in a new window)UN Resolution 1325 in Ireland: Limitations and Opportunities of the International Framework on Women, Peace and Security. Irish Political Studies, 28:3.

Imelda Maher

Imelda Maher (2018) (opens in a new window)Crossing the Irish Law Border after Brexit: The Common Travel Area and the Challenge of Trade. Irish Yearbook of International Law 51-69   

Imelda Maher (2017) (opens in a new window)The Common Travel Area: More than just Travel. A Royal Irish Academy-British Academy Brexit Briefing, October 2017.

Conor Mulvagh

Conor Mulvagh (2019) (opens in a new window)Ulster Exclusion and Irish Nationalism: Consenting to the Principle of Partition, 1912-1916. French Journal of British Studies. XXIV-2.

Conor Mulvagh (2019) (opens in a new window)How was the Irish Border drawn in the first place?. Irish Times, 11 February 2019.

Marie-Luce Paris

Marie-Luce Paris (Ed) (2019) (opens in a new window)Constitutional Law in France, Wolters Kluwer. 

Jennifer Todd

Jennifer Todd (2018) (opens in a new window)Identity Change after Conflict: Ethnicity, Boundaries and Belonging in the Two Irelands. Switzerland: Springer/Palgrave.

Jennifer Todd (2017)  ‘(opens in a new window)Contested Constitutionalism? Northern Ireland and the British-Irish relationship since 2010Parliamentary Affairs, 70.2 301-32,

Jennifer Todd (2017) ‘(opens in a new window)From identity politics to identity change. Exogenous shocks, constitutional moments and the impact of Brexit on the island of Ireland.’ Irish Studies in International Affairs 28. 

Jennifer Todd (2016) Northern Ireland: Building sustainable peace in A. Langer and G. Brown (eds)   (opens in a new window)Building Sustainable Peace: The  timing and sequencing of post-conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding. Oxford University Press.

Jennifer Todd (2015)  (opens in a new window)The vulnerability of the Northern Ireland settlement: British Irish relations, political crisis and Brexit. Etudes Irlandaises, 40-2 | 2015, 61-73.

Jennifer Todd (2014) (opens in a new window)Thresholds of State Change: Changing British State Institutions and Practices in Northern Ireland after Direct Rule. Political Studies 62 (3) 522–538

Dawn Walsh

Dawn Walsh (2018) (opens in a new window)Territorial Self-government as a Conflict Management Tool, Palgrave.

Dawn Walsh & John Doyle (2018) ‘(opens in a new window)The Role of External actors in the operation of consociationalism’, Ethnopolitics, Vol. 17:1, 21-36.

Dawn Walsh (2017) (opens in a new window)Independent Commissions and Contentious Issues in Post-Good Friday Agreement Northern Ireland, Palgrave.

Dawn Walsh (2015) ‘(opens in a new window)Human Needs Theory as a basis for the use of consociationalism: The Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland’, Ethnopolitics, Vol. 15, No. 3: 285-302.

Dawn Walsh (2014) ‘(opens in a new window)Northern Ireland and the Independent Parades Commission: delegation and legitimacy’, Irish Political Studies, Vol. 50, No. 1: 20-40.

Dawn Walsh (2013) ‘(opens in a new window)The Irish Government and Decommissioning in Northern Ireland: Exercising Best Practice for External Ethnonational Guarantors?’ Irish Studies in International Affairs, Vol. 23: 311-329.