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The Geary Institute for Public Policy provides office accommodation for up to 50 PhD students each year who are conducting research on a wide variety of policy relevant issues. In addition these students can also avail of the Institute's common room, meeting rooms and online meeting facilities and attend the our seminar series and research methods training events.

Details of the PhD students currently accomodated by the Institute and of the different UCD schools to which they are linked can be found below.

Name Title Description
Andrea Berger
David Walsh
The Emotional Intelligence of Labour Decision-Making  The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study is to explore the role of emotional intelligence in decision-making by trade union leaders on behalf of their members. There has not been a systematic study that has focused on the decision-making processes of union leaders and their motivating characteristics. It is the premise of this research that a more in-depth and nuanced analysis of the decision-making processes of union leaders will contribute to the body of knowledge in three ways. First, there is a scarcity of research on the decision- making processes of union leaders. This project will help fill that gap, add to the body of research on the labor movement, and aid in the exploration and analysis of union leadership by future researchers. Secondly, this project can be of value to union members as they evaluate their leadership because it will provide data previously unavailable about how union leaders function and make decisions on their behalf. Finally, this research will be of significance for the union leaders themselves. It provides the opportunity for heightened awareness of their unique circumstances and an increased ability to analyze their own decision-making. 
Mary Naughton
Union and Social Movement Strategies in the Healthcare sector  

Name Title Description
Aditi Kharb
Climate Change, Disasters and Gender  
Andy Finette
A Social Ontology of Institutions: Theory and Experiments  
Ashitha Mary George
Significance of self help group in promoting women empowerment and economic development: a review of Kudumbashree mission: kerala  
Beatriz Gietner
Three Essays on Human Capital  
Bin Zhang
The Thesis of International Trade  
Biniyam Worku
The returns and the spillover effect of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)  
Carolina Nunes
Taxation and inequality  
Chiara Litardi
Can a change in the pattern of youth migration solve the labour shortages in the EU? The research area I would like to explore is the labour market at the microeconomic level. This is my key area of interest, as I have already done – while working at the EU Agency Eurofound – some research on general labour market shifts, telework and company restructuring. As a secondary interest – if there was the opportunity – I would also like to work on the behavioural economics area. This research proposal focuses on the labour market, and specifically at youth migration.
Ciaran Murphy
Inequality in education and labour markets  
Daire Crotty
Educational Attainment and Wage Structures
Dimitrios Argyros
Essays in Development and Family Economics
Emil Bandoni
Macroprudential policies for climate change
Francesca Eustacchi
From Empowerment to Progress: Unleashing the Potential of Gender Equality for Societal Well-being  
Giacomo lo Conte
The geography of innovation  
Haochi Chen
Effects of Natural and Man-Made Impacts on Intergenerational Transmission
Hayk Taverdyan
Monetary Policy shocks, Exchange rate determination and possible instruments for dealing with exchange rate movements, housing market and the monetary policy  
Justin Allen
Global Sustainability Competency Study  
Katharina Ritcher
Mental health issues among different gender identities and age groups: exploring contributing factors and cost-effective therapeutic approaches  
Kira Finan
International Exchange Flows I am currently working combining econometric modeling and novel data sources to explore how global phenomena— such as international tensions, cultural soft power, and environmental shocks —shape economic and human mobility patterns. 
Louise Monger
Professionalisation of the Field of Sustainability in Southeast Asia  
Manuel Estevo Lago Rodríguez
How to shift gender social norms in the short run to reduce the gender gap.  
Manvi Jindal
Gender Norms and Time Use: Pan-European Evidence Analysis of inclusiveness and social policies across countries using dimensions such as gender norms, youth outcomes and disabilities inclusion. The findings provide valuable insights for policymakers and researchers in addressing the intersecting barriers and promoting inclusive and equitable societies.
Maria Sofia Liberati
Development and adoption of new medical technologies for chronic diseases: an empirical cross-country analysis  
Olivia Finan
Intergenerational Consequences of In-Utero and Early Life Conditions on Human Development Outcomes
There is an extensive breadth of research on how negative exogenous shocks (pandemic, wars, famine, etc.) experienced in-utero and early childhood impacts health, education, and labor market outcomes into adulthood. An emerging field is now beginning to look at whether long-term adverse effects can persist not just within one generation, but across generations. 
The aim of my research is to widen the scope of this emerging literature by producing a set of papers providing novel evidence based on natural experiments. By establishing the causal effect between negative shocks in utero and during early childhood on human development and later life outcomes across generations - this project will contribute and inform effective long-term policy work aimed at mitigating these shocks. Current policies fail to account for long-term effects across generations on human development outcomes, which leads to underestimating the costs of such consequences. Furthermore, this research can provide insight even on how current events may impact the next generations.
Petru Calenici
Effects of Natural and Man-Made Impacts on Intergenerational Transmission Gender gaps in education represent an important phenomenon that needs to be studied, in order to identify its possible causes. Indeed, this difference has relevant impacts of the subsequent accumulation of human capital, determining an inequality that has effects on a broader set of gender disparities in the whole socio-economical setting. This is the main reason why I have decided to focus on the intersection between education and gender inequalities as a possible research area for my academic future.
In this thesis proposal I would like to present some possible ideas within the area of education and gender gaps, because the disparities between female and male students in education will then create subsequent one in the labour market and concerning different other outcomes such as health.
Prachi Srivastava
Inflation expectations and Monetary policy  
Sam Deegan
Feedback Effects of Financial Distress: A Study of the European Banking Sector Sam Deegan is a researcher at the School of Economics specialising in macro-finance, focusing on financial frictions in the banking sector. His current research centers on measuring financial distress in firms and identifying the proportion of this distress attributable to the financial sector versus the real economy. By doing so, he aims to contribute to developing informed policy during economic crises. 
Shreya Swarnakar
Detailed Analysis of Health Outcomes of Women Health and wellbeing form the backbone for achieving a well-functioning life. Poor health not only leads to personal losses but also slows down economic growth by affecting the human capital formation. Unfortunately, the prevalent patriarchal structure of the society which historically places women at a disadvantage neglects women’s ‘invisible labour and this has negative consequences on their health. The impact of women’s negative health and family welfare consequences have led to a growing consensus around the crucial importance of gender equality and access to resources. It is essential to evaluate the consequences on the health of women because of changes in nutritional intake over the years and if her income translates to better health outcomes for her. The plight of the woman lies in her low bargaining skills. Therefore, this PhD project aims to explore the very facets of women’s health through different lenses, so that I can prescribe policies to enhance women’s welfare.
Wanying Deng
The impact of monetary, non-monetary (financial and non-financial), mixed incentives and a cafeteria-style system on performance.)  
Yishan Shi
Impacts of Education Reforms During Apartheid on Intergenerational Education Mobility in South Africa This paper used the National Income Dynamic Survey (NIDS), the first longitudinal analysis of socio-economic status which began in 2008 for South Africa, to investigate the causal effects of two important education policies on intergenerational education mobility, including the Education and Training Act implemented in 1979 for African population and the establish of House of Representatives (HOR) in 1984 for coloured population. First, I estimated the intergenerational educational mobility among Africans, Coloureds and Whites, using the standard ordinary least squares (OLS) regression model. I found that the patterns of intergenerational education mobility are different in three racial groups from 1948 to 1997. Both Africans and Coloureds population present an upward trend of education mobility, while the trend of intergenerational education mobility for white population through the last 50 years is quite stable. Second, I estimate the effect of two education reforms on intergenerational education persistence. The identification strategy relies on a difference-in-differences approach. The results indicate that the 1984 reform reduced the intergenerational education persistence by 0.3 for Coloureds population, but the intergenerational mobility increased before the 1979 reform for Africans population.
Yung-Shiang Yang
Motivation and Ranking: An Experiment Rankings appear everywhere in our lives. Most current research in management and education focuses on examining how its provision would affect performance while motivation is usually mentioned ex post as a potential mechanism to explain the results. The objective of my study is to elicit participants’ intrinsic/extrinsic motivation in different treatments to understand whether different kinds of motivation would be affected differently by the provision of ranking.
Zilong Li
Essays on trade and development My work focuses on international trade. This includes exploring the factors that affect the trade cost, examining the impact of trade policies as well as linking trade with other disciplines such as history, geography for interdisciplinary research. I am also interested in topics related to international money and finance.

Name Title Description
Niall Costello
An investigation into the effects of engagement in education and work on brain health across the life course  My research seeks to investigate the relationship between long term engagement with education and brain health throughout the life course. Studies routinely indicate that that there is a positive relationship between years in education and reduced risk of age-related brain and cognitive disorders. This is even when controlling for trait effects such as overall cognitive ability and personal disposition. Using longitudinal data from Ireland and the UK, I am investigating the life course mechanisms by which these affects occur. Specifically, how engagement in education can optimise overall life satisfaction and permit transition to suitable labour force opportunities which incur a brain health “dividend” in later life.
Sara Ponce
Early Childhood School Engagement and Socioeconomic Disadvantage: The Role of Emotion Coaching  

Name Title Description
Aušra Čižauskaitė
The Objective and Subjective Quality of Social Investment Interventions for Households with Children  Aušra’s research focuses on the social investment framework with a specific focus on the quality of childcare services across the European Union. Her PhD dissertation aims to contribute to the social investment literature and debates on institutional public childcare services. It adopts and bottom-up approach to analyse satisfaction with childcare quality in Europe. The analysis includes two distinctive themes: objective childcare program quality and individual experiences of service users, i.e., households with small children. By combining subjective and objective indicators of quality her research seeks to contribute to research on the multidimensional approach to childcare services.
Inigo Aldama
Welfare Politics in Multi-Ethnic European Democracies: The Case of Ethonational Parties  Contemporary democracies typically reliant on a single, all-embracing national identity are increasingly confronted by minority movements in the form of ethnonational parties over the last three decades. Claiming to centrally represent territorially based ethnic communities to the exclusion of others, these parties channel ethnocultural cleavages by providing representation to stateless or minority ethnic movements. In this context, the modern welfare state, through the creation of inter-territorial economic solidarities, measures to equalize benefits and opportunities both across regions and strata fulfills a “central task” in the process of territorial consolidation. I argue that ethnonational parties have identified a path to subvert the symbolic significance of welfare institutions to foster their projects of nation and identity building and fulfill their electoral goals. 
Marco Flores
Queer Sexual Migration: Masculinities and Privilege among Gay American Expats in Dublin and Prague This study analyses the lived experiences of transnational mobility for gay American expatriate men who reside in Dublin, Ireland and Prague, Czech Republic. Few studies on sexuality and migration have explored how privilege is reproduced or transformed among gay migrants across the Global North. The research endeavours to better understand how sexuality and migration organise gay men’s everyday lives. Gay men expatriates thrive to reimagine themselves through their travel and face destabilizing experiences in transnational spaces. The frameworks of sexual migration, transnational migration, and Critical Studies of Men and Masculinities (CSMM) elucidate intersections of gender, race and social class with globalisation, nationalism and colonialism manifested in the lived experiences of migrants.
Matt Kennedy
Transnormativity and the Everyday Lifeworlds of Young Trans Men in Ireland This qualitative interdisciplinary research project employs community-based research design to deepen our understanding of transnormativity as an ideology and capture its impact on trans young men's lifeworlds in Ireland. Working with trans young men through unstructured interviews, semi-structured focus groups and body mapping workshops this project attends to the ways in which transnormativity operates through the medicalisation of transness, social class, narrative production and law. Grounded in trans studies and theory, this research makes a specific empirical contribution to national and international scholarship in relation to transnormativity and trans life. 
Nobuko Ijichi
Community of Practice and Public Diplomacy – through Japanese cultural learning and exchange  
Orla Dingley
Energy Justice: addressing transport & residential energy deprivation My research is part of an SFI funded all-island project on Next Generation Energy Systems (NexSys), led by the UCD Energy Institute. It will identify groups at risk of energy deprivation in Ireland. Current measures of poverty in Ireland fail to capture both residential and transport energy deprivation, so the full extent of vulnerability is unknown. A key component of the project will be to identify and evaluate eco-social policies which address both the environmental and social challenges associated with energy. Such policies would protect vulnerable households, communities and nature as well as ensuring a just transition.
Sofia Ntaliou
Local citizenship for immigrants: the cases of Athens and Dublin This comparative multi-sited ethnographic research explores if and how local policies produce contingent (forms of) citizenship rights for the un(der)documented residents of Athens and Dublin. The aim of the project is to contribute both conceptually and empirically to local citizenship theory as well as to European scholarship on the approaches of the urban governance of immigrant policies and their relation to the national policies. Furthermore, it will provide new comparative policy-relevant data for the two cities which will facilitate the discussions around the role of cities in immigration and how it changes in different contexts.
Theresa Schilling
 Queer Relationships and Masculinities: Friendship, Intimacy and Community Among Young Queer People in Ireland  This ethnographic research project examines the friendships of queer masculine young adults, between 20 and 30 years of age, living in Ireland. Through the use of two types of ethnographic interviews, this study investigates the various relationships of young queer masculine people, and the contexts which enrich and complicate these relationships, as well as differentiate these relationships from those which align with societal norms. These contexts encompass converging experiences of masculinity, experiences of queerness, and experiences of friendship, intimacy, kinship, and community-building. By approaching this research through the lenses of intersectional queer theory and Critical Studies of Men and Masculinities, this study aims to contribute to new understandings of the ways queer masculine people traverse systemically imposed boundaries of expression, eroticism, and connection.

Name Title Description
Marianna Lovato
 The (in)formal rules of the game: How member states navigate informality in EU foreign policy negotiations  Marianna is a final-year PhD candidate at the School of Politics and International Relations (University College Dublin). Her PhD project focuses on the role of informality in EU foreign policy negotiations (CFSP/CSDP). She is also working on post-Brexit EU foreign policy cooperation, the effects of Russia's war of aggression on Europeanisation dynamics, and social relational conceptions of state power in international negotiations. Her research has appeared in the Journal of Common Market Studies and the Journal of European Public Politics. Marianna holds an MPhil in European Politics from the University of Oxford and a BA in Political Science from SciencesPo Paris. 

Name Title Description
Chenlong Wang
 Online Community Information Evaluation Mechanisms: Wisdom of the Crowds in the Context of Internet Question and Answer Platforms The project focuses on the wisdom of the crowd phenomenon in the context of online platforms in which users interact with each other through a cycling mechanism: reading content, voting on the content, system ranking content according to votes, and reading the content again. The project utilises the agent-based simulation approach to test: to what extent the conditions of wisdom of the crowds can be satisfied, to what extent the collective opinions in these platforms can represent the wisdom of the crowds, and whether the online wisdom of the crowds is able to solve some problems difficult to tackle in the tradition ways.
 Ishrat Ali
 Determinants of life expectancy in socioeconomically poor and politically fragile state of India. This project seeks to explore the determinants of life expectancy in the state of Jammu Kashmir, one of the states of India. This region is selected because it is socio-economically underdeveloped and politically an unstable state. This project would take Kerala (a developed state of India) as a comparator with that of Jammu and Kashmir as both the regions differ geographically, culturally and politically yet both of the states perform similar in terms of life expectancies as per the official data of India. This presents an interesting anomaly (i.e apparently contrary to the health/wealth debate) which has implications beyond India and possibly echoes 'Wilkinson and Picket (2009) thesis

Yuchen Zhang
When Women Wear The Trousers: The Reversed Gender Role Distribution of households in China as Women’s Socioeconomic Status Raises  

Contact the UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy

UCD Geary Institute, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 4615 | E: geary@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)