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Societal Impact

The proposed HOLOS-IE model/software is expected to have a substantial societal impact by providing practical tools and information for climate change mitigation, adaptation, and sustainable agricultural practices. The project outcomes will offer innovative farming systems, which can be used for training advisory staff, extension personnel, farmers, and students. Workshops, seminars, and meetings will facilitate knowledge dissemination to all stakeholders, including governmental bodies (DAFM, DECC, NPWS), environmental agencies (EPA), universities, Teagasc, private agencies, and professionals. The model/software will also have potential reporting capabilities for grant/scheme claims.

Furthermore, it will be a valuable resource for researchers, advisors, farmers, and rural communities, taking into account the impact of mitigation on farming livelihoods. The project aims to promote coordination among relevant projects at national and EU levels and facilitate access to datasets and technologies. It will also assess and potentially revise existing criteria for land use planning decisions, with a focus on sustainability indicators.

The digital platform is expected to raise awareness of sustainable land management and gender equality, enabling women's participation in decision-making processes. It will encourage collaboration among researchers, local authorities, and farmers, promote inclusivity in workshops and training, develop improved management practices, and increase the socio-economic benefits to farmers and communities. Overall, the project seeks to bring about positive changes in farming practices, sustainability, and socio-economic development while addressing climate change and environmental challenges.

Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.

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