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UCD Modern Languages

European Study Trip, 13-15 March 2023

The annual European Study Trip involving UCD students of modern languages took place in March. Students stayed in the Irish College in Leuven, visiting from this base the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the European Union.

UCD Languages for Life acknowledges with warm thanks the two student travel bursaries made available for the trip by the Office of the former Minister of State for European Affairs Thomas Byrne, as part of the A Career for EU strategy. These bursaries were provided in order to facilitate engagement of students of the UCD School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics with the Institutions of the European Union.

We had the opportunity to go to various EU institutions, such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU. In these places, we were able to learn about how the EU functions, the roles of its various institutions, and the variety of career paths available in these places. What I really loved was that we were told not only about these career paths, but how to get started in them and what is required of you, from people who were in these careers and who were happy to field questions about them. My absolute favourite part of the trip was meeting a woman who had done Modern Languages like me in college, and she was now doing an internship in the European Commission. It was amazing to hear the details of her career path so far, and to hear all the ups and downs she’s experienced. I cannot overstate enough how important this trip has been in opening my eyes to future career possibilities and, most importantly, in giving me a clear guideline to enter these careers.

Elena O’ Sullivan, BA Modern Languages (French, Spanish & Japanese)

As a final year student studying Modern Languages, this trip was undoubtedly a very unique and invaluable learning experience. It provided me with an opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the European Union's inner workings. Visiting the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Flemish parliament, and the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the European Union in Brussels gave me a sense of how these different institutions work together and how they relate to one another. As someone who is interested in working for the Department of Foreign Affairs after graduating, and later on the European Union, this experience was invaluable in helping me gain an intimate insight into these organizations. 

Craig Holbrook, BA Modern Languages (French & German)

Students learned about the range of career opportunities at the Irish Permanent Representation to the EU.


Michael Williams fielded questions and gave students practical advice for getting started in EU careers.

UCD Languages for Life

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777