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Statement Condemning the Act of Violence and Expressing Solidarity and Support

issued on behalf of 

UCD LGBTQI+ EDI subgroup, UCD LGBTQI+ Staff Network and UCD Students’ Union

DATE OF RELEASE: May 22nd, 2023

Dear UCD Community,

We write to you today with heavy hearts, distressed by a recent violent incident that has deeply affected many people in our various communities. 

As you may be aware, last week in Co. Meath, a child was subjected to an act of violence simply because they were perceived as different. Such acts of intolerance and aggression have no place in our society that values diversity, inclusivity, and respect for one another.

We unequivocally condemn this heinous act and want to express our solidarity with the victim, their family and the community during this difficult time. We stand together as a community to denounce all forms of discrimination, hatred, and violence. 

Along with the wider UCD community, UCD Students' Union strongly condemns such acts of hate and violence and reaffirms our commitment to the principles of equality and respect. This unfortunate incident serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for societal pushback and the pressing need to foster an inclusive and accepting environment for all.

To the victim, we want to assure you that you are not alone. The community stands with you and offers you love and support. 

Our UCD community has always prided itself on its diversity, embracing people from various backgrounds, cultures, and identities. Thus, it is deeply distressing to witness an individual being targeted and harmed because they are seen as different. We firmly believe that our differences should be celebrated, for they enrich our community and contribute to its vibrancy and strength. Every individual has the right to be treated with dignity, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that makes them unique.

In the face of this unfortunate incident, we know that some in our UCD community have been hurt and upset by this event and we encourage you to reach out to friends and family or any other support services offered by UCD. 

We wish to thank all of those in our UCD community who have come together to express their support and solidarity. Let us continue to create an environment where everyone feels dignity, safe, respected, and included. 

We would also like to extend our gratitude to those allies and individuals who came forward to provide assistance and support to the victim. Your actions exemplify the true spirit of community and remind us that we are at our best when we stand united against injustice.

To the broader community, let us take this incident as an opportunity to reflect on our own attitudes and behaviours, and continue to strive to be more compassionate, tolerant and accepting. Let us continue to speak up and stand against injustice and bigotry everywhere we witness it. 

In closing, we reiterate our condemnation of this act of violence and extend our sincere solidarity and support to the victim, their family and community. Let us live as catalysts for positive change, forging a community where diversity is celebrated, empathy prevails, and acts of violence and intolerance have no place.

If you need support, please click on this link to access supports.

Should you wish to donate to LGBTQI+ community organisations, please click on this link

Statement on violence and riots in Dublin on Thursday, November 23rd

issued on behalf of 

UCD LGBTQI+ Staff Network

DATE OF RELEASE: November 24th, 2023

We are distressed by what we witnessed last night in Dublin, and we unequivocally denounce in the strongest possible terms the violence and riots. Such acts of intolerance and aggression have no place in our society that values diversity, inclusivity, and respect for one another.

These incidents not only inflict immediate harm but also sow seeds of long-term mistrust and pain. Our collective strength lies in unity, empathy, and mutual respect. We must foster dialogue, understanding, and education to combat prejudice and intolerance at its root. One again, we are reminded of the urgent need for societal pushback and to foster an inclusive and accepting environment for all. 

We wish to thank all of those in our UCD community who have come together to express their support and solidarity. We understand that many of you may be feeling fearful and anxious today about what has happened. If you need support,please click on this link to access supports.

In closing, we condemn such acts of hate and violence and reaffirm our commitment to the principles of equality and respect. Let us reject hate in all its forms and work tirelessly towards a future where harmony and compassion prevail over discord and animosity.

Contact the UCD LGBTQI+ Staff Network

E: lgbtnetwork@ucd.ie